One-Shot #23 (Ramin Karimloo)

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Sitting in the front row of the audience, I stared wide-eyed at Ramin as he sang the finale song for his show, "Heaven on Their Minds", from the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, Jesus Christ Superstar

His voice soared to heights that I had never thought were possible for a man, causing my mouth to gape open in response.

He really could do everything that he put his mind to.

When Ramin finished, the crowd stood as one and roared with applause. 

He bowed politely while muttering a "thank you", and my heart melted at his humble nature. 

I knew he was aware of his gifts, but I don't think he realized how incredibly talented he was.

No matter. 

That's what I was for; to remind him everyday how much he had been blessed by God.

Once he walked off of the stage, a security guard came up to me and guided me through the large crowd to the backstage area. 

It was nice to be living in obscurity when it came to people knowing about my relationship with Ramin; I could breathe much easier in the tense atmosphere.

I went the rest of the way by myself and stopped at Ramin's dressing room door, filled with excitement at seeing my Phantom.

After a few minutes, the door opened up to reveal Ramin, who was looking sexy in a white tank top that showed off his muscular arms. 

He was wiping the sweat off of his face with a towel that was wrapped around his neck, and his dark hair was tousled to perfection. 

"Hello, handsome," I smirked.

"Milady," he smiled back. "You look ravishing tonight."

"So do you," I replied flirtatiously. "Drop-dead gorgeous, I must say."

Ramin's laugh made me feel warm and fuzzy, causing my dimples to pop out in response. 

He then took my hand and brought me inside, closing the door behind us. 

"Did you enjoy the show?" he asked enthusiastically.

"That was insane!" I exclaimed. "I didn't know you could hit such high notes."

"Barely," he chuckled while rubbing his throat. "I might not have a voice tomorrow."

"That's alright," I waved him off. "You could be silent for the rest of your life and I'd still love you to death."

"Oh really?" Ramin questioned playfully. "You'd be able to love your Phantom without his voice?"

"Yep," I replied with a firm nod. "Nothing could change the way I feel about you."

He smiled, then sat down on the small sofa, gesturing me forward with his hand. 

I furrowed my brows and asked, "We're doing this right now?"

He nodded with his mouth pressed shut.

I rolled my eyes at Ramin, but I did as he wanted and sat down beside him. 

He wrapped his muscular arm around my shoulders and hugged me to his chest, peppering my lips with sweet little kisses. 

He may have been silent, but his touch told me everything I needed to know about him: Ramin was kind, gentle, and loving, traits that had drawn me to him instantly.

He was everything I could ever want in a boyfriend.

I cuddled closer to him and took his large hand in both of mine, tracing his palm with my fingertips. 

He rested his chin on the top of my head, playfully nudging his nose into my hair. 

I giggled at the tickling sensation and held his hand close to my chest. 

"I told you I would always love you," I said while glancing up at his handsome face.

Ramin smiled and kissed me deeply, letting me know that he felt the same way as I did.

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