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Dhana Lakshmi

It is a lightheaded feeling that accompanies me when my eyelids unseal.

An hour might have passed since I returned to my room. I wailed for a while and then slumbered on my mattress out of mental exhaustion.

At present, I unhurriedly lift my body off the bed and perch upon it. And as soon as I do so, my mind begins to generate memories of my Puvi claiming to love someone else. The agony that has occupied my heart now, none can understand the depth of it.

Puvi...he is my life, the whole point of my existence. My nineteen years of life have always been about him. I love my Puvi more than I love my parents and having him say that he holds someone else in his heart is unbearable to me.

I'd initially speculated that he'd lied to me but nothing other than what he said would justify his single life.

He's in love with another girl.

Another girl, my foot!

That bitch...whoever she's, I'll not let her have my Puvi. I don't care whether it's one-sided or mutual, I'll do everything in me to cut her off from his life.

Because only I can shower him with the love he deserves and pleases. I am the one who is most aware of his childhood and his parental issues. I've been with him for years and I've sensed his inner turmoil with my own eyes.

With his parents divorced, my Puvi has been subjected to negligence by his mother. His father had remarried and except for sending maintenance to support his now perished mother and Puvi's studies, he has done nothing. He never came to meet him, nor cared for him even when his mother deceased.

As a result, Puvi was mostly with our family. We treated him as one of us but no matter how much ever love we poured on him, there has always been dissatisfaction within him. He tries to conceal it behind his calm personality and vibrant smile, but I've noted it...

I sympathized with him and it's another one of the reasons why I love him and won't ever leave him.

He thinks he's found a girl who would love him and fill the void in his soul. But I'll prove to him that no one else other than me could love him right!

He's mine and he'll be entirely mine very soon.

Gulping slightly, I plummet back on the bed and slowly cover one of my breasts. It was heavenly as I imagined it to be Puvi's hand...

In the quiet and gloomy evening, I found my desire reaching its peak.

I continue to rub my breast and trail my free hand inside my panties. It was getting wet under the stimulation I offer through caresses and wild fantasizing.

Painlessly pinching my erected nipple, I use the wetness that leaks out of my opening to lubricate my folds and the clit...

As soon as it becomes drenched, I ascend the pace of my fingers and the sensation elevates, causing a knot to formulate within my stomach.

I shut my eyes tight as I let my mind play dirty scenes. One of those scenes was where Puvi slaps my cheeks while thrusting inside me and I've always wondered why I find it so hot...

My toes curl as I near the orgasm but just when it is getting good, the reality of him being in love with another girl flashes through my brain, propelling me to lose my mood and rather be embraced by deep despair that shatters my insides.

Retracting my hands off my body, I push myself to sit on the bed. I've to take action, I've to do something to pull Puvi's attention to me.

But what do I do?

Just as I was pondering about it, a knock resonated through my room followed by Puvi's voice. I quickly rush to the restroom and wash off the evidence of my arousal before making my way to the door.

Upon opening it, I was met with my Puvi who had my books secured in his hand. He seemed tranquil as he slid past me and walked inside my room.

Closing the door, I dubiously yet resentfully watch as Puvi plops the books on the bed and reclines beside it.

"Come here, Dhana," my stomach flutters with butterflies at his call.

I should be furious over him, but I found myself shamelessly obliging his words and sauntering towards him.

His manspread legs, the way he looks up at me when I pause in front of him, the manly cologne his body exhibits...everything has me gazing at him in a daze.

And when he grasps my hand in his, I found my heart leaping in immense joy. It pains me as well because he would never know the amount of bliss his simple act causes me.

"Dhana, are you okay?" He mildly squeezes my hand and I come back to the actual world, peering at him with a blank expression.

"What do you think, Puvi!? Do I look okay?" I throw those questions at him harshly. "Calm down Dhana. I know you are hurt...I came here to check in on you," I glare down at him.

"Why should you check in on me Puvi? You said you don't love me, then why?" He sighs at my question.

"I don't possess any feelings toward you but I do care for you, Dhana," he responds gently and stands up from the bed.

"Look Dhana, the relationship we have between us is pure and I really like you. I don't wish for it to be severed for petty reasons," petty!? Does he consider my feelings for him as petty?

"Puvi, you are not getting it...I need you, I've been in love with you since forever," I say longingly while he shakes his head and proceeds to speak, "This is just a phase, Dhana. It might appear as though a huge matter now'll get over it eventually and when you do, you'll laugh back at this moment," uttering that, he leaves my hand and ruffles my hair, affectionately.

I was frustrated but seeing him up close, I had the urge to kiss him. Puvi was looking at me with adoration, unbeknownst to my intention. However, when I gather the courage and tiptoe to reach his lips, he suddenly palms my mouth.

"It's reserved for someone else, not act impulsively," his tone is a blend of strictness and gentleness, as though he's talking to a little child.

Angered, I push his hand off my mouth. "I don't care who you love! You are mine," he smiles at me.

This man...why is he behaving so cooly when I'm talking seriously!?

"Athu seri...(Alright)" He mockingly replies and nods as he ambles ahead and exits my room...

What just happened!? What the hell is wrong with him? How can he take my love so lightly?

He's still perceiving me as a little girl, an immature one whose feelings are temporary and a 'phase'. I've to prove him wrong! I don't give a fuck about whoever the girl he's in love with, I'm going to show him that I'm already a grown-up girl who cums to his meager thoughts...

Those lips that he says are reserved for someone else will land on me on their own very soon!

___________________________ is the story so far guys??
*Nervously gazing at you guys*

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