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Reminder: Dhana's character is different from all the Fl characters I've written so far in my other stories and she has a long way to go before she rectifies herself...

Dhana Lakshmi

The subsequent day, I deck on blue jeans and a black thigh-length top to attend college. It starts at 10 am and ends at 3 pm at noon. The subjects are boring and the lecturers and their lectures are irritating! Which is why, most of the days, I bunk the class. I ain't got no patience to sit through those hell of classes.

Therefore I, with my three crazy friends, Santhya, Raji, and Mathi, utilize our time effectively by roaming the city. We go shopping in malls, crash into restaurants, watch several movies, and sometimes...we slip into a bar and have a little sip of alcohol. Santhya and Raji aren't very open to drinking and it's actually good because Mathi and I need someone to escort us safely back to our home.

My parents haven't caught me yet but when they do so, I'm sure they will offer me an ear-bleeding amount of advice. The reason why they haven't discovered my one-year-long drinking habit is because of their busy schedule. Father initially worked in the IT field but a few years ago, he couldn't stand the pressure and hence built a jewelry shop. He's now a businessman and comes home at night after closing the shop at 7 pm. Meanwhile, my mother is a high school teacher, who, like father, reaches home in the late evening. Puvi's work timing is also the same...

Hence it's mostly me being alone in my home as my siblings have also left the apartment for their career purposes. And what do I do when I am alone? Hmm, I either touch myself or use the showerhead when my wrist becomes sore.

At the moment, I enter the lounge and sit myself on the dining chair. The time is past 9 am now. My parents have vacated the house and on the dining table stays my lunch box and a plate. This is our regular routine...

Humming to myself, I allocate the food on the plate from the hot box and have it quietly while plotting plans to trap my Puvi.

I haven't seduced anyone before, well, I didn't have to, boys were on my feet without me doing anything other than existing. Though I don't like their behavior and never accepted any proposals, their interest in me made me feel prideful and confident in myself.

It instilled a kind of arrogance in me...and had me become haughty.

And most of the girls in my class are jealous of me and I've heard from my three friends that many gossip and trash about me behind my back. I couldn't care less about it cause I already have three friends and many servants to serve me.

I'm more or less one of the popular girls in the college at this point. And I'm aware that it's because of my beauty alone. It's hard not to stare at my chest and posterior.

And it's impossible to not glimpse at my countenance. Well, all thanks to my genes. Although I'm pleased with all of the privileges I'm provided, until I receive Puvi's love and have him ram me till I can barely stand on my feet, I wouldn't feel truly happy.

To make that happen, to tempt my Puvi, today I'm going to buy the essentials and exhibit the side of me he as well as me has never seen before.

I'm determined and I'm bold enough to be shameless in front of him...

I'll be a seductress until he has no option but to succumb to his desires. I know the way to heart isn't through body, but to shake him off, to have him be disloyal to the girl he's committed to, I've to take this immediate step...

Once he gives in, he can't go back to her and that's exactly what my scheme is all about.

I viciously smile to myself and bite my lower lip. I can't wait to have his lips over mine, his hands over my voluptuous breasts and his hands in my unexplored opening between my legs.

With each year passing by, I'm only becoming more and more desperate for him. The desire has consumed me completely and If I don't have him inside me anytime soon, I might go insane.

A while later, I exit my home and use my scooter to reach the college. Upon attaining the college, I park my vehicle in the parking area and remove my helmet.

I run my hands through my waist-length tresses and ruffle them.

Then I get my tiny black-shaded tiny bag and sling it over my chest. The strap gets buried in the valley of my chest, showcasing my breasts prominently. I use my hair to hide my assets but still, the gazes followed me throughout my way to my class.

When I intruded into my class, I found that my friends hadn't appeared yet. There were only a few guys and girls. The latter behave coldly to me but the former ones treat me like a princess.

They made my college life so easy.

I mean, they do all my assignments, help me copy their answers during exams, and buy me whatever I want without expecting anything in return.

I might be using them but when they're consenting to be used, I'm not dumb enough to not take advantage of them. I don't force anyone, they willingly help me with my academic work.

"Hello boys," I wave my hands as I make my way to the boys' row. Most of them were guys that I've rejected but they're still friendly to me.

"Hey," they smile at me when I plop in the empty row behind them but then switch their attention to the paper sprawled on the desk.

"What are you guys doing so seriously?" I ask as I discard my bag.
"Assignment of Mr. Devil. The professor wouldn't accept the assignment If submitted later," Oh right, where is Nishanth then?

"Here comes your slave," I smack the back of Jebin's head and watch as Nishanth, the ultimate nerd of the class walks in.

He smiles at me innocently while I mirror it back. He's my official simp, who does all of my work. He drops his backpack on the first bench and unzips it, taking out a file where he probably has my assignment well done.

"Damn..." The four guys wonder out loud as Nishanth saunters to me and lends me my assignment. "Thanks a lot, Nishanth," I smile sweetly at him while he blushes.

"Um...Dhan-" he starts but I stop him halfway. "Can you get me a coffee from the canteen, Nishanth? I have got a slight headache..." Without another word, he shuffles out of the classroom.

"I've decided! If I'm ever going to be born again, I want to be born as a gorgeous girl..." Jebin says in a longing tone while his friends nod at him in agreement.

"Shut up boys! Dhana, you are doing too much. You are using him like a dog! It's disgusting," yes, here comes the righteous girl, aka, the class leader, Swetha.

"Well, when he behaves like a dog, I don't find anything wrong in treating him like one,"  I shrug at her and settle in my seat, looking through the pages of the assignment.

"That's such a cheap attitude..." She further says and storms her way to the front seat.



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