Twenty two

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Thank you so much for standing by me guys. The person who plagiarised 'Peacock' has taken down the book and it wouldn't have been possible without your support♥️

I love you guys🦋🥺❤️

Dhana Lakshmi

My parents departed to the Village in the early dawn and before they did so, Mom awakened me from my deep slumber and asked me to have the breakfast she had prepared. Then I felt two kisses on my forehead and I again dived to resume my sleep.

It was around 9 am when I woke up and drowsily sauntered to the restroom to refresh. Completing the brushing task sluggishly, I peel off my clothes and stand under the shower.

Just as the water droplets begins to drizzle on my head, my sleepiness vanishes away and the memories of the last day play in my now-working brain.

It feels surreal to have him, my Puvi, accept me. I still wonder If it's a realistic dream that I'd experienced the last night.

It's just unbelievable...

Sighing inaudibly, I close my palms over my countenance and drag them inside my drenched tresses, trying to control the tears of joy that threaten to fall from my eyes.

Could someone's life be as complete and satisfied as mine? Is it even okay to be as happy as I am now?

I have no idea. But I'm not going to sadden myself with overthinking. I'll, from this day on, relish each and every second with my Puvi and take care of him like a baby.

I've always tried to do that but he would either shoo me away or behave as though he's completely fine even when his body would be simmering in fever. Sometimes, when he would be so annoyed with my pestering, he would carry me to his room and lock me inside.

I would knock and yell to let me out and he, to drown my noise, would increase the volume of the television. Fed up, I would sit quietly in the room. That was how one day I stumbled on his diary...

I only read around twelve pages and before I can read further, Puvi found me and moved the diary to a secretive place. I'd searched for it in his whole apartment but couldn't locate it no matter the times I'd ventured out in an attempt to get my hands on that diary.

Eventually, I gave up.

Besides, the contents were not something that would intrigue a person to read more of it. It was deeply distressing.

I was thirteen when I read it and it only intensified the affection and love I had for Puvi. Those words that were scribbled on the paper were naive...and I understood that it was written by a child within a few seconds of reading it.

Certain sentences I read had me traumatized for days. I sympathized with Puvi and that tender emotion had driven me to develop this urge to look after him and sprinkle him with love that he, as a child, craved for.

I could still clearly recollect those words that were penned down naively by the young Puvi. I gulp to control my emotions as the memories swim across my head again...

Mom beats me...don't know why...

Mom scolds me...don't know why...I only want food...

Mom hurt me...I only want hug...

Mom...put hot spoon on my pain...I scream...I cry...

She doesn't love me...why?

Don't they say that mother's love is the purest? Then why has Puvi's mom treated him so cruelly? I pondered on it and couldn't figure out a reason except that she was mentally ill.

Since then, I began noticing Puvi more keenly and found the pain he conceals behind his calm demeanor.

I strived my best to be there for him and offer him love but unfortunately, to my bad luck, he only regarded me as a nagging kid and wouldn't mind me or take me seriously.

Yet it never bothered me.

Because I know he would love me back someday. I was determined to make him mine and now I've done it successfully!

Forthwith, I'm going to pamper Puvi to the extent that he wouldn't be able to live without me. And I'll pleasure him till he becomes insanely addicted to me that he couldn't even go a day without fucking my brains out...

Overall, I'll have him entirely enticed with me.

A small smile swims across my face as I tilt my head up to the shower.

Minutes later, I exit the restroom and wear a green t-shirt and black skirt that falls to the length of my knee. Humming a song to myself, I dry my hair using the hairdryer and saunter out to have breakfast.

Puvi is free only on Sundays'.

Even on Saturday, he has to go to work. Pouting, I allocate dosas' on the plate and have my food while watching the television.

Done with the meals, I washed my mouth and was rinsing the plate on the sink when I felt two hands band around my waist. I would have freaked out If I didn't smell the cologne of Puvi.


Doesn't he have work today??

"Don't you have wo..." I gasp when his mouth descends on the side of my neck. The kisses he was dropping were wild...

It had me curling my toes and squirming within his hold.

"Puvi..." I moan as he covers one of my breasts in his palm. The sensation was overwhelming, given that I hadn't been anticipating this sudden escalation in our intimacy, I couldn't make sense of anything.

"I am so in mood Dhana. I didn't want to attend the work. I want you instead...may I undress you, Dhana?"

I feel lightheaded when he whispers those lewd words in my ear.

"Yes..." He kisses my earlobe at my lowly conveyed affirmation.

"Dhana..." he stimulates my nipple using his fingers, prompting me to go crazy. "Do I have the permission to fuck you right now?" My opening starts to throb savagely at his uncensored phrases...

He doesn't even have to ask.

I'm more than willing to give myself to him.

"Yes..." I trail off and he presses himself behind me, letting me know how hard he was...


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