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Dhana Lakshmi

On the succeeding day, I went to college as usual friends, they were acting quite distinctly. When I entered the class, I saw them speaking with the other girls in our class who were not really very fond of me. It was surprising to me.

However, when my friends noticed me, they smiled my way while the others just had a disdainful look on their countenances as they stared at my face. Well, they'd always gazed at me with such an expression, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

Forthwith, they joined me on our bench and sort of ignored me as they chatted. Was I imagining things or am I really being dismissed by my friends? I couldn't figure it out but there was something odd.

As I felt low, I zoned out while they were conversing. My sexual imaginations were going berserk and I was getting wet between my legs. I fantasized about Puvi and I being stuck in a forest. We were alone, our minds were filled with lustful love as Puvi kissed me roughly and he threw me on the grass bed. He held my hands above my head and injured my mouth before diving down and licking my neck.

My neck tingled and I squeezed my legs shut, unable to keep in the throbbing. On the exterior, I pretended to be engaged in the conversation my friends were having but inside, but inside, I was being ravished by my Puvi.

The scene in my head quickly changed and now we were married in my made-up world. Puvi wakes me up in the morning with a kiss on my forehead and we both, while sharing sweet little kisses, cook our food in the kitchen. While doing so, Puvi nuzzles his head in the crook of my neck and wraps his hand around my waist...

It was beautiful. I longed for such moments with my Puvi. I'm desperate for his love but when will I have these scenarios come true?

When will the man who is ignoring me like a plague would willingly accept me and make me his priority?

The tingle in my lady part reduces as a sudden sorrowfulness embraces my heart. Given that my friends are currently behaving weirdly, I felt even more saddened. Have they started despising me due to yesterday's incident?

I don't intend on doing any of it. Though I felt superior to them, I wished them well. And their current attitude, I can't handle it.

Two hours have passed by and it was obvious the girls were neglecting me.

"You guys are doing this deliberately, aren't you?" I finally opened up in the break time. They didn't even let me copy the notes that the professor had asked us to solve on our own.

"What are you talking about?" Santhya asks in a mean tone. "You were ignoring me," they share looks among them and shake their heads.

"Don't be delusional. Why would we do that, Dhana? After all, who could ignore this beautiful queen?" Was it mockery? It sounded that way...

Raji was silent.

"...If I did something wrong or I've hurt you, I'm sorry. I would never intentionally hurt any of you," I hinted at the event that unfolded yesterday. Their features become a little soft at my words.

I don't want to lose them. They're some of the people who are close to my heart.

Before they can respond, my phone rings and as I see the caller ID, my eyes expand in astonishment. Am I dreaming?? Why is Puvi calling me?

"Girls! It's Puvi!" I excitedly say while they quietly regard me. I couldn't contain my happiness as I quickly answered the call and latched the phone to my ear. "Pack your stuff and come out of the college Dhana. I'm waiting outside," He disconnects as soon as he states that. I can't believe my ears.

My heart keeps fluttering as the words play repeatedly inside my head and I, without thinking twice, toss the books in my bag and zip it up.

"Where to?" Raji queries, doubtfully.

"Puvi has come to pick me up! I think my seduction worked!" I enthusiastically utter and pass a wide smile to them before running off from the class.

Our college wasn't very strict. The rules are simple. If you want to learn, then learn, If not, fuck off.

And I'm doing that right now.

The security guard, who was so used to seeing me bunk the class, didn't bat his eyes as I left through the gate.

With a gentle breeze caressing my free hair, I stand there in a daze upon beholding Puvi in his bike. His black shirt, khaki pants, ruffled-up dense hair, and his nonchalant mien had me seize my breath in.


My Puvi is actually here...he's here to pick me up from my college!? Are we going on a date today? Is he going to accept me?

Upon noticing me, he decks on his black helmet and starts the engine. I was born back to reality when the roaring of the bike intensified. Then I rapidly walk to Puvi and without questioning him, I hop on the vehicle.

I hug his waist but he doesn't complain. I was swimming in paradise as he drove the bike smoothly on the road. The moment had me become emotional. This is what I yearned for.

I wished for the time to stop moving as I cling to Puvi. I don't know where Puvi is taking me, but wherever it is, I'll delightfully go If Puvi wants me to.

Later, Puvi halts the bike in front of a hospital. Huh?

"Hop down," I oblige his words and confusedly look around.

"Why are we here?" I ask in panic as negative thoughts cloud my brain. Is someone from my family unwell? Had something happened to any of them?

After placing the helmet on the bike and shuffling off from the vehicle, he replies calmly, "To have you meet a psychiatrist. I felt you need some counseling. It's not anything serious but just to clear your mind," I was beyond hurt.

An excruciating pain scrambles through my body as I numbly and wrathfully stare up at Puvi. Does my love for him make me look like a psycho in his eyes?

"You could have rather killed me," I mutter while angry tears flood in my eyes. "Dhana, relax. The doctor is my friend and this is for your own good, come with me," I shake my head but he zeroes his gaze on me and speaks harshly.

"Believe me, Dhana. The way you have been acting for a couple of days was abnormal. You need to go through this session to get some clarity. You can't run away from here. If you did, then that's where our bond ends," This is cruel. I fist my hands and step back but he holds my shoulder and leans to my face.

"Dhana...Dhana Lakshmi, this is necessary to make you sane," indeed, I'm insane. I'm insanely in love with him but I'm mentally stable...

What he wants me to do is heart-wrenching.


Note: To develop someone's character, first, we should know how deteriorated it is, right? Besides, this story will have some angst, twists, and scenes you might not like- Anyway, do comment your thoughts on the story so far...

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