A son

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It had been seven years since I moved into the castle. I had spent almost half my life there and grown to love it as my home. I always remembered the sea of course, but I had known as a little girl that I needed to put that role away. The Castle had not been as bad as I had expected, for the Lord Miraz was quite kind and let me stay because of reasons I never found out. One thing was for certain, though, and it was that Aslan had something to do with it. His magic always seemed to reside inside of me, no matter how far away he was.

My life had been much like any other Highborn Lady's, though no one thought I was. To them, I was just a ward to Lady Prunaprismia, a very rich young girl. I was spoiled with the nicest dresses and the prettiest jewellery. Never had I to work, but I soon came to find that there was jealousy in court. Therefore I found a friend in the only one who seemed to enjoy what I did - Prince Caspian.

"Your aunt is going to kill us," I said to Caspian but couldn't help but let a chuckle escape from my mouth as we walked from the stables. We had been trying to ride one of the bulls because, why not? It had not ended well and both of us had ended up in the mud.

"She'll kill me, not you," said Caspian and grinned. "But you should burn that dress before she sees it and takes offence."

"I certainly will," I said and nudged him with my shoulder.

We walked into the courtyard and the gazes were piercing like spears. The soldiers, maids and other people in court were looking at us as if he had done something wrong. It was not unusual for Caspian and me to set off on our own small adventures and come home quite untidy. We rode as far as we dared and pretended that he was not the Prince at all but just a normal boy nearing adulthood.

"Oh no," said Caspian and gulped.

I followed his gaze and saw to my horror that Prunaprismia was standing by the gates of the castle, her arms crossed over her chest and two of her maidens behind her. The dresses she wore could no longer cover how pregnant she was at this stage, and the baby would come at any time. Caspian and I looked at each other for a second and quickly decided to come up with a story to explain.

"Where have you been?" Prunaprismia asked and the anger was clear in her voice. "For hours your uncle waited for you Caspian because you had asked to attend the meeting with the Lord's. You never showed up and made us all look bad!"

"I-I'm sorry," Caspian said and cleared his throat. "We were just-"

"It was my fault," I said to his defence. "I asked him to help me with my riding, I have a new horse as you know, my Lady. I fell off and the horse ran so Caspian helped me find it again. That's why we're late."

Prunaprismia pursed her lips and glared at them both. She sighed deeply. "Caspian, quickly go get cleaned and meet your uncle in the Dining Hall. Derya you come with me."

Prunaprismia turned around and I winked toward Caspian. He smiled at me before hurrying away while I walked after Prunaprismia and her maidens. They were whispering, probably about me, and I rolled my eyes at them. We arrived at Prunaprismia's own sitting room and I entered, carefully sitting down not to stain the furniture.

Prunaprismia sat down on her sofa and took a grape. The maidens hurried to exit the room the moment that Prunaprismia waved with her hand. I knew that I awaited some kind of scolding for she was not this serious with me otherwise.

"Why do you think I convinced my husband to keep you, Derya?" Prunaprismia asked.

"I don't know," I answered and shrugged. "I have never known."

"Because I wanted a daughter," said Prunaprismia. "I could not have a child of my own for many years and then suddenly you came to my doorstep. I didn't even have to see you, to know that I wanted to take care of you. I wanted to make you a Lady, and why I don't know myself."

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now