The Green Mist

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I kicked the door to the dungeon for the fifth time. I knew it wasn't helping but it was the only thing I could do to get at least try to us out of there. I was angry, furious, with the men who had taken Derya from me, snatched her away like she was anyone to take. She was a person that deserved the best the world could offer, and I had let them take her. If only I had left her on the ship or with Reepicheep and his men. She would be safe then, but no, I was too much of a coward to ask her to stay behind. Now I could only imagine what they would do to her, or who they would sell her to.

Edmund flinched at the loud noise as I kicked the door again. He had received a proper slap across his face from one of the bandits and it seemed to hurt. The entire right side of his face was purple and green after what the man had done to him - Edmund had been right to threaten him that he wasn't getting away with all this. No one, and especially not a king, deserved to be treated like we had been and so many others of my people.

"Are you okay?" I asked him carefully and gave him an apologetic look for being so loud. I knew I should probably stop banging at the door, but what else could I do to distract myself from thinking about Derya and Lucy?

"Yeah," he said and sat upon the ground. I didn't believe he was alright, though, he rubbed his sore head carefully with a painful expression on his face. It was typical of him - or any young man for that fact - to try to act as an unbeatable hero that never showed weakness. I was like that myself, especially around Derya.

I kicked the door again, thinking it should break any time now if I kept this going. I had to get to Derya no matter what before something terrible would happen to her, even if I wouldn't allow anything to happen. It was hopeless, though, I was just being stubborn since the door was solid metal with a big lock on it. I kicked the door again out of pure anger and frustration for failing to protect Derya and Lucy.

"It's hopeless," said a weak voice. "You will never get out."

It came from deeper in the dungeons which I hadn't noticed being so big. Edmund and I had kept close to the door while there was still much space left in the cell. In one of the corners where the light of the sun, shining through the small window, couldn't reach was were the voice had come from. I hadn't even thought of the possibility of there being someone else in the cell.

I walked slowly toward the shadows where the voice came from to see who the owner of the voice was. He had been hiding there for the last couple of hours without any of us noticing, but he hadn't done anything to hurt us which must have meant that he was harmless or too tired to care. He could've spoken up earlier so we could figure out a way to get out of there together. I squinted my eyes to try to see who was hiding in the shadows, decided to call out for him.

"Who is there?" I asked and wished that I still had my sword.

"No one ..." the voice whispered. He sounded mad in my ears, like someone who was talking to himself. Maybe he was mad indeed and would attack us as soon as he noticed we were real people. "Just a voice in my head...."

An old face appeared as I stepped closer and the light shone on his face since he had moved closer to the light. He had a long grey beard, equally as long as the hair on his head, and he looked worn out as if he hadn't seen the sunlight for months, years maybe. There was something about him though, even if his face was much older. I recognized him from the old drawings back at the Dawn Threader hanging on the wall. The man had to be one of the lords loyal to my father.

"Lord Bern?" I asked carefully in case I was wrong and mistook him for being one of the other lords. The man moistened his lips with a frown on his old face as if he was surprised I knew his name. He probably wondered how I could know his name since he seemed like someone that no one knew of - at least not anymore. He had been in the dungeons for a long time and he must have thought that his name had been forgotten by all people in Narnia.

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