The Blue Star

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"What did you mean when you said you made them invisible for their own good?" Lucy asked Koreakin as we walked through the corridors of his mansion. I wondered the same thing since I felt like the island was pretty peaceful and very beautiful. Now that I knew that the duffers were harmless, I couldn't see any other threat there.

"It seemed the easiest way to protect them," Koreakin said. "From evil."

Lucy and I glanced at each other and wondered what he meant. The only things I could think of was the mist, had it reach all the way there too? We were very far from Lone Island now.

"You mean the mist?" Edmund asked.

"I mean what lies beyond the mist," Koreakin said and showed us into a large room that looked like a library.

It was dark and the only light shone blue from the shelves. I wondered if the duffers were right, was Koreakin a magician? It seemed so from all the strange books he had. Koreakin grabbed a large roll and rolled it out over the floor like a carpet. It was a map of some sort, with moving pictures and a large blue island in the middle.

"It's quite beautiful," Eustace said impressed and gained looks from us all. That was about the first positive thing he had said since he came to Narnia, but he was right it was really beautiful. He couldn't let us think he liked something about Narnia though, so he quickly added, "I mean for a make-believe map from a make-believe world."

"Here is the source of your troubles," Koreakin said and the map shifted away from the island and over the sea. It stopped on another island, a gloomy and almost black one. It had a green piercing light shining from inside the island, it was all like a big cave. "The dark island, a place where evil lurks. It can take any form; it can make your darkest dreams come true. It seeks to corrupt all goodness, to steal the light from this world."

"How do we stop it?" I asked.

"You must break its spell," Koreakin said and looked at all of us with a glance that made me slightly uncomfortable. It was like he could see into my mind, seek all my weaknesses. But how were we supposed to break the spell? Koreakin turned to Edmund and pointed at his sword that he got from Caspian. "That sword you carry, there are six others."

"Have you seen them?" Edmund asked.


"The six Lords," Caspian spoke up. "They passed through here?"

"Indeed," Koreakin said and turned to Caspian.

"Where were they headed?" he asked.

"Where I sent them," Koreakin said and the map once more shifted and displayed another island, a beautiful one with waterfalls and green forests. "To break the spell, you have to follow the blue star to Ramandu's island. There the sevens swords must be laid at Aslan's table; only then can their true magical power be released. But beware, you are all about to be tested."

"Tested?" Lucy asked.

"Until you lay down the seventh's sword, evil has the upper hand," Koreakin said. Our quest had now taken a turn, the seven Lords and the mist was connected so if we found them we would find the swords and be able to put them on Aslan's table "It will do everything in its power to tempt you. Be strong, don't fall to temptation. To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself."

Koreakin's words rang in my ears as we found ourselves aboard the ship again after a successful investigation on the island. I now understood why the duffers had taken Lucy in her sleep, they wanted her to go into Koreakin's mansion to cast the spell that would make them visible again. Although it came at a bad time since they were fighting us at the time, tried to convince us that they were terrifying monsters while they were invisible.

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