A Sea Serpent

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I saw Caspian disappear into the armoury again after we had parted, and Edmund went with him. I hoped they would solve whatever was unclear between them still. Edmund and Caspian hadn't talked much since the day Eustace became a dragon and it made us all uneasy since we didn't want them to be cross with each other. Lucy, Edmund and Caspian were the only family I had left in the world and I would hate for it to split up. Only moments after they entered the room, they came out again and Edmund had Peter's sword hanging on his belt. Caspian smiled at me and nodded; he had given up Peter's sword so his brother could have it instead. I returned his smile and went to find Lucy and Gale - I was very proud of Caspian.

We were getting closer and closer to the island and we would have to sail into a huge cave to find the last sword. Not one of us knew what could be waiting in there for, anything could lure in the dark cave. I could only hope that we would find the last sword and then get ourselves out of there as soon as possible. Caspian walked up to the quarter deck so he could speak to every one of the crew members loudly, give them courage from their king to fight until the end if a fight would ever come. They needed this since I saw on their faces how scared and worried they were.

"No matter what happens here - every soul here has earned their place on the crew of the Dawn Treader," he began speaking, and he was right. During the months they had spent on the Dawn Treader, all the crew members were now very close friends. They had proved their loyalty over and over again to not only Caspian but to me and the Pevensie siblings. "Together we have travelled far and together we have faced diversity. Together we can do it again. So now is not the time to fall into fear and temptation. Be strong, never give in. Our world, our Narnian lives depend on it. Think of the lost souls we are here to save. Think of Aslan. Think of Narnia."

He began walking down the staircase again to get to the main deck when the crowd cried out their battle cry, what they would think of when they fought in there: "For Narnia!"

Caspian looked at his crew with surprised eyes and smiled when his eyes met mine. I was proud to call him my king at that very moment for he had never been a greater man before then.

The ship sailed into the cave and the air was full of green mist that made it hard to see anything but contours of stones and boulders. The further we sailed into the cave, the more green mist started surrounding the ship, whispering in the ears of the crew to tempt them. The mist took shapes of everything that could weaken the crew members - fears, loved ones. I stood on the quarterdeck with Drinian and Caspian while Drinian tried to steer the ship in the thick fog. It was hard and I saw that no matter what he did he couldn't see anything.

"I can't see a thing," he whispered to Caspian quietly so the rest of the crew wouldn't hear his worry. There was no point in scaring them more than they already were. "This fog is too thick."

Suddenly I saw how Caspian flinched and his gaze wandered around almost as if he was following someone with his eyes. He was scared and something made his courage fall, he looked like a scared little boy. Whatever it was that tempted him, he had to fight it and not believe what was said to him. I stepped closer to Caspian and grabbed his hand, squeezed it tightly and made him turn his attention to me instead. I smiled comfortingly as a sign that he was not to listen and believe that he was better than that.

"Be strong," I said.

He nodded slowly, pressing a small kiss to my fingers before he let my hand go and resisted any temptation that came to him after that. Nothing had tried to tempt me, though, probably because nothing was troubling me at the moment. A sudden cry was heard in the distance, coming from one of the cliffs. All turned their attention to the cry and tried spotting the owner to the voice with their eyes. I leant over the rails and tried to see beyond the mist.

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