The Last Sea

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I don't understand how it all happened. It was as if someone had been screaming in my head ever since I saw Caspian after I got out to get some air. I didn't even know where I got the knife from, I must have taken it without even thinking about it. The only thing that could stop the screaming in my head was jumping into the water; and it was just as much to help myself as to get away from the people I loved so I wouldn't hurt them.

As soon as the water hit my skin, everything calmed inside my head and my true form came to be. As a nymph, the black waters did not stop me from seeing clearly despite the darkness. I dove deeper into the sea, not wanting to return yet after this horrible night of me hurting the man I truly loved.

The further away from the Dawn Treader that got, the calmer I felt despite not wanting to worry my friends aboard. Suddenly I heard a strange sound, as if someone had swum past me really fast. I stopped and let my eyes roam across the dark waters until I spotted something small. Three small dots coming closer and closer, and as they did so they became more apparent to my eyes. Three sea maidens, each fairer than the other, stopped in front of me. The sea people looked much like mermaids, yet their skin was the colour of old ivory and their hair dark purple. These were the maidens that would lure men to jump from their own ships and drown them in the sea.

"Princess," one of them spoke and grinned at me. "Your mother, the Queen is waiting for you."

"I won't go," I spoke and shook my head.

"You will, or we will attack the ship with all our power," the other sea maiden spoke and giggled wickedly.

It soon became apparent to me that this was all a trick. It was no coincidence that during the same night that I had horrible nightmares and even got into some sort of killing trance, my mother was just around the corner. She had done this to me, consciously luring me away from the ship. What she wanted was beside me though.

I glared at the sea maiden but nodded slowly; these was no use in fighting them as I did not want to risk the lives of the crew. The sea maidens started swimming and I followed them, although I was not as fast as I had once been and had trouble keeping up. I was so focused on keeping up that I did not see where they took me. When we finally stopped, all I saw was a Kingdom of the Sea. I wouldn't call it beautiful but it sure was impressive what the sea people had been able to build in the opening of a cave. There were hundreds of them, males and females and their sea creatures serving them. They were all staring at me and I wondered if they knew who I was or if I was just a stranger to them.

We swam into a sort of castle, much smaller than that of Caspian's but still a castle. In there, there was a large throne made of gold and on top of it sat a beautiful sea maiden, fairer than all the others combined. Her hair was in the darkest purple and her skin slightly darker. Her eyes were bright purple and her lips red like blood. I looked nothing like the woman in front of me, yet I still recognised her as my mother.

"Anahita," Queen Lilith spoke and smiled a wicked smile. "My daughter."

"My names is Derya," I hissed and glared at her.

"A name given to you without my approval," Lilith said, and her smile was as stiff as ever. "You are my daughter, my flesh and blood, and you would have a name fitting of a Princess of Narnia's sea."

"You are not my mother," I said coldly, not caring if I hurt her feelings for she didn't have any. "My mother would never kill my father; she would never wage war against the merpeople, and she would never force her own daughter away from her friends and family!"

"Ah, yes," Lilith said and swam toward me slowly, completely unbothered with my words. "You new family. The High King and Queen of Narnia, talking animals and King Caspian himself. You've done well, my girl, ensnaring yourself into the royal family of the land. You are just like me, a Queen seeking more power in a King."

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now