The Queen

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I heard voices from somewhere around me which woke me up. My head was in terrible pain and I couldn't remember much of what had happened for me to get into this position. The last thing I could recall was that I blew in the horn that the Professor gave me after that dwarf attacked me. I was sure it had to have been a dream for there were no such creatures in Narnia anymore. Besides, I could have sworn that one of the dwarves had called Derya 'your highness' which was proof enough that it had to have been a dream for Derya was not royal.

I opened my eyes slowly and stared up into a very low wooden ceiling. I was lying in a very small and uncomfortable bed that I didn't fit in at all. I sat up carefully to not bang my head into the ceiling and placed my hand on my head. Someone had bandaged my head and I pulled it off quickly since it was pressing too hard on my temples. I could only hope that whoever had taken care of me had been Derya and not some stranger that had taken me in.

"You said you were going to get rid of him," said a deep voice in another room. I recognised it from somewhere, but I couldn't figure out where or when I had heard his voice. He didn't seem happy about me being there, though, or who else could 'him' be?

"I said I'd take care of him," said another calmer voice. Both voices were males, but they sounded different from other men I had heard. Their voices were strange, and they didn't have the Telmarine accent that I did. They talked almost like Derya did, the same accent.

"We cannot kill him now. I just bandaged his head and it would be like killing a guest."

"How do you think his friends treats his guests?" Roared the dark voice.

Then why had he saved me if he cared so little about me? I could leave right there at that instant and save him my presence; I didn't want to stay anyway. I had to find Derya then leave as soon as possible. We were still too close to the castle and Miraz would surely find me here, that is if we were still at the place I passed out.

I soon decided I couldn't continue to eavesdrop for very long. I had to find Derya and run before they could do her harm. I stepped out of my hiding place behind the wall and saw something I never thought I would ever see in my life. I had to blink a couple of times to make sure I wasn't dreaming still. In front of me, I had a dwarf and a badger. A speaking badger, or did I hit my head harder than I thought?

The dwarf drew his sword quickly and I stood there defenceless and tried to come up with an idea. I grabbed a steel rod to fight him with, and the dwarf seemed keen enough. He wanted to fight me, he didn't care if I was much taller and stronger than him. He started to fence with me at a quick pace and the rod was not very helpful when it decreased in size for each cut from the sharp sword.

"Stop!" cried the badger and gained the dwarf's attention for a few seconds. "Nikabrik you know why we can't kill him!"

"We can't just let him go!" the dwarf said and gave my rod one last shot until it broke completely. Now it seemed like the badger was the only one who could stop the mad dwarf from hurting me. "He's seen us."

"That's enough! Or do you want me to sit on your head again?!"

The dwarf whose name was Nikabrik lowered his sword reluctantly and sighed disappointingly. I had done nothing to Nikabrik, but I had figured out who they were and why he was so keen to kill me. They were Narnians and I wasn't supposed to know that they still existed. They were supposed to be dead since the Telmarines had driven them away long ago.

"And you!" The badger turned to me. I raised my eyebrows and backed away slightly. The badger didn't seem as friendly anymore when he looked at me with such anger in his black eyes. "Look what you've made me do." I realised I had made him knock a bowl of soup down on the table and that it had spilt all over his carpet. "I spent the whole morning on that soup."

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now