The Battle Begins

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We started to prepare for a battle even before it was time for me and Edmund to leave. To avoid spilling any unnecessary blood, Caspian had come up with a proposal for Miraz. As I already knew but other Narnians didn't, Miraz was bound as King to follow his people's traditions. Edmund as I were to deliver a challenge from Peter to Miraz - combat between the two until death. The loser's troops would surrender to the winner and no blood would be spilt. Though we could never trust that Miraz would keep to his word if he accepted, it would buy us some time so that Susan and Lucy could ride to find help. The only one that could truly aid us now was Aslan himself, the one true King of Narnia and they had to find him.

I was getting ready to leave and Caspian kept me company as we were dressing in our armour. He had been resistant to let me go there and to ensure our safety a giant and Glenstorm would come with us to the place where Miraz had set his camp not far away. Even with all the of my protection, Caspian was noticeably nervous.

I glanced at him as he had just dressed in his armour and tried to think of something to talk about to break the nervous tension. We were never quiet around each other, we always had something to speak about. Something had changed between us and I wasn't sure what it was or if it was something good or bad. Caspian saw Susan and Lucy off before they left to ride into the forest, and I had unintentionally - perhaps - overheard as he had spoken to Susan. He'd said something about her needing her horn back and Susan had in a way flirted with him by saying that he should keep it in case Caspian needed to call for her again.

For some reason, those words had bothered me ever since and I thought about them now as I looked at him fastening his belt. Perhaps Caspian cared about Susan the way I knew she cared about him. I couldn't help but feel a string of jealousy hit me every time I thought about it.

"So," I said and cleared my throat to bring his attention to me. He looked at me with a small smile on his lips. I didn't even think before I opened my mouth and asked him a question that had been spinning around my head for quite a time now. "Susan... you care for her?"

I don't know why I would ask him something so personal, especially since I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer. Perhaps it was because I knew that Susan was beautiful and strong and a Queen. There was nothing about her not to love and admire.

Caspian looked at me and shrugged. He didn't even seem embarrassed with my question which made me wonder if it was true or not. Maybe he did care for her and that it was so obvious that he wasn't even surprised that someone had noticed. That would've hurt if it was true.

"She's not you," he said finally with a smile.

As soon as he uttered those words my heart stopped beating for a split second and suddenly my knees felt weak. Although I wasn't sure what he had meant by it, I knew deep inside that he must have meant it in a way that was more than friendly. That he could never feel the same way for Susan that he did for me because I would always be the one he would compare any girl to. It was selfish and ridiculous to think in that way of course, but I could always dream that it was the case. I lowered my gaze to the ground - partly because I felt surprisingly embarrassed - and tried to attach my belt but failed in the hurry.

"Here I'll help you," Caspian said and stepped closer to me. He helped me to attach the belt to my waist while standing so close that I could hear his breathing. I looked up at him, could not help but think how close we were. "If we don't survive Derya..."

"We will," I said firmly.

I didn't want to believe that we wouldn't survive, there was no such thoughts in my mind and the moment. I knew we would defeat Miraz no matter what and that Caspian and I would come out alive from this fight. I would see him be crowned King, attend his coronation and then probably live in the castle with him just like before. I would support him in anything, help him until I was old enough to die.

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now