The Coronation

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Derya, the Pevensie's and I had returned to the castle where the journey had first begun, as heroes. The people were confused, of course, frightened by the looks of the Narnians but happy to see that their Prince was alive. When they were told what Miraz had done, some had been on his side, but most had taken my side. Those who opposed my rule were either convinced to do otherwise or asked to leave the realm and never come back.

All Telmarine soldiers who agreed on accepting me as their new king were kept in my guard. I knew many of them had only obeyed orders when they fought the Narnians and I actually saw that many of the Telmarines soldiers were impressed by the Narnian creatures. I knew that there would be peace at my castle and that both my Telmarine and Narnian guards would work well together as soon as they had time to adjust.

Narnians moved into the villages, they were positioned at court and some started to build their new homes. Aslan stayed on for weeks whilst planning my coronation that would take place as soon as possible. Due to old Narnian traditions, the great lion was going to hold the ceremony where I became King.

I had to adjust to my new role as King and the great responsibility to rule over a whole country. I would have my own throne, crown, Lords, guards and advisers working for me at all times, never rest another moment of my life. I was glad, though, for now, I could finally become the King that Narnia had waited for and deserved after so many years of oppression and hiding.

The Pevensie siblings had their own rooms in the castle and they finally had the chance to change into clean clothes after weeks of wearing the same clothes. Derya would also permanently stay in the castle, living side by side with me. Obviously, I wanted more than to have here there as a guest and a friend. The thought of her ruling beside me as a Queen became less and less weird and more desirable.

I wasn't stupid enough to think I didn't have to take a wife sooner or later or I would have no children and no heir to my throne. But I knew I wouldn't fall in love with anyone else than the girl I might, possibly already love which was, of course, Derya. I didn't want to marry anyone else, but a wedding would be far into the future and I didn't want to rush to ask her about it. We were still young, and we had time.

Life was, in other words, returning to normal and it was quite amazing. I enjoyed being busy with planning and seeing how Narnia slowly started to get used to its own people again. Having Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy there with us were nice as well for it showed their support for the new King. I was as nervous as ever, though, and worried that I would make a fool out of myself if they left. Peter had helped me a lot as an advisor and if he didn't stay on I wouldn't know what to do.

The day finally came when I was going to be crowned King of Narnia, and everything was very stressful. Everyone was rushing around, and Edmund and Peter were on me all the time about me getting dressed. I was trying to find Derya, though, because I wouldn't go into the throne hall without her.

"Lucy!" I said when I spotted the young girl. "Have you seen Derya?"

"No not for a while," Lucy said and shook her head. "She and Susan were getting ready still, and Derya said that you'll see her when you go inside. It a surprise, just go get dressed Caspian."

I sighed and nodded slowly; I would have to manage without her I assumed. Edmund and Peter finally got me into my robes, and it took me ages to walk all the way down to the hall before finally, it began.

It started with trumpets echoing through the hall as soon as the doors opened. The doors to the courtyard were open as well so that the people outside could try to get a peak of the coronation if they wanted before I came outside to greet them all when it was all done. Inside the hall, there was already enough people, - all of our friends and those closest to me, as well as Lords and Ladies of the court.

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