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We rode into the woods, but the guards refused to give up on hunting us. We had already crossed miles of open land, waded through a river and crossed swamps but they had a clear mission in mind - bring back the Prince alive or dead. Dead would benefit them all more since they knew he was a strong fighter that wouldn't give up even if they captured him. They could rule it out as an accident when they brought him back, that the Prince fell off his horse and had gotten killed. None of the people would ever know and Miraz's reputation would be as spotless as ever before.

My life was now in danger too, because I was a witness of everything that had happened and if Caspian was killed I would tell the world the truth about it. They would perhaps bring Caspian back alive, but I would surely get killed for being this close to him. That was why I rode faster than I ever had done before, so much that I thought my hair was going to fall off since it was flowing back off my face from the wind. Even though the Telmarines were afraid, they followed us into the dark forest and chased us in full gallop as we rode past all the thick trees that brushed against my legs and face.

Caspian rode in the lead of us two, and he looked back over his shoulder often to make sure our lead over the guards was still big since they had hesitated by the edge of the forest, wondering if they were going to enter or not. Caspian looked back far too often in order to be able to ride safely and see what he had in front of him, though. I didn't have time to even react or warn him before he had ridden right into a thick branch which knocked him off the saddle.

"Caspian!" I cried terrified.

He fell off the horse but one of his feet were still in the stirrup. He was dragged to the ground by his horse Destrier that refused to stop - too scared he was of something in the forest, but I didn't know what. I tried to stop Bruno, but he refused to as well. It was if something had startled the horses. Maybe it was the forest itself and that the Telmarines had been right to fear it.

I had no choice but leave my horse behind while I stayed to help Caspian. When Caspian finally came loose from the stirrup I grabbed a hold of a branch and let Bruno ride on while I let the branch go and my feet met the ground softly. I couldn't leave Caspian; I had promised to never leave his side. It had been years ago that the Professor had told me that Caspian's life was in danger from the moment his father had died and left his son alone and vulnerable to his brother. I promised that day that I would never leave him and always protect him from any danger in this world. It seemed I had already failed since a tree branch had gotten the better of him.

I rushed up to Caspian and knelt next to him to see that he was alright. He moaned and held his sore head in his hand as he sat up slowly. He was at least conscious and there were no obvious wounds on his body. I sighed relieved and glanced into his dark eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked nervously and touched his cheek with my hand. His hand grabbed mine and he smiled a little, almost telling me it was only a little tumble and that he was quite alright. I looked into his eyes and smiled back at him; I was relieved that he was not injured since we had no medical help out in the middle of this forest. Caspian released my hand to lean against it as he held himself up where he sat.

"I'm all right."

We looked around our surrounding in the dark forest. The trees here were high as the castle towers and thick like them as well. Everything was so powerful even though the forest has been dead - perhaps asleep - for several hundreds of years now. I wished I could have lived in Narnia's golden age and experience what my father did, for now, everything was so quiet and... cold. It was like the whole Narnian world was waiting for something that could bring them back the joy. I hoped that one day, that someone could be Caspian.

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now