The Lords of Telmar

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As soon as Edmund and Lucy had settled in I wanted to bring them to the chamber where I had saved Susan and Peter's arms and other artefacts of the High Kings and Queens. I had wanted to carry them with me at every journey into the sea, not trusting to have them in the castle. Besides, I felt as though they brought me luck on my adventures.

I couldn't say that I didn't miss being on dry land, but I had in some ways fallen in love with travelling on the sea for these past years. Exploring all of Narnia's waters was such an exciting adventure more so than on land because I never knew when the sea would eventually end. I knew Derya enjoyed it immensely too and that's why I brought her everywhere I went. My conscience troubled me every day, though, for I saw her glance down at the waters any chance she got, and I knew she was longing to live underneath the surface with her people. I would never truly understand why she didn't just leave - she knew I would never keep her with me against her own will for all I wanted was for her to be happy even if that meant not seeing her. Hopefully, Lucy and Edmund's return would make her happy.

Lucy had borrowed dry clothes from Derya while Edmund borrowed from me so that they would be dressed appropriately in their stay in Narnia. The clothes they wore when they came, those from their world, were strange and I didn't particularly like them much. They looked way better, more royal when they wore Narnian clothes.

Lucy peered around in the chamber and stopped to admire the golden shield with Aslan's face engraved in it. It was Peter's shield that he had left in the castle the day he went back to his world. The memories of that they were still so fresh in my mind; I had been so sad whilst being happier than I had ever been before. The Pevensie's had left, and some to never return which had upset me more than I would have thought, yet I had been happy because I was finally king, and Narnia was free. Seeing Lucy look at the shield, seeing her smile and the twinkle in her eyes, I knew she was remembering him. Neither I or Derya had seen Aslan since the day after Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy left Narnia. He hadn't said goodbye or told us that he was leaving, one day he was simply gone. I finally understood what it meant to have the privilege to have seen him, to have been moved by Aslan.

"Aslan," Lucy said dreamingly and her eyes flickering away from the shield.

If anyone had a special connection to Aslan it had to be Lucy. It was him that had shown her Narnia for the first time before any of her siblings and she had always been his most loyal supporter and believer. It was quite scary to think about what would have happened if Lucy didn't have so much faith in the great lion as most of what was good in my life came from her decisions to trust and love him.

"Have you missed him?" Derya asked and smiled at Lucy.

"Of course," Lucy answered with a smile. "I always miss him. But I feel like he's always watching me, even back home. He's always with me, I know it."

She saw Susan's bow and arrows and smiled at the memories from the last time they were in Narnia. Susan would sadly never see her bow again, never shoot an arrow with it or even touch it again. Maybe Lucy could inherit her bow and follow her sister's footsteps, I thought.

"Lucy," I said and grabbed her healing cordial. I had saved it for her since the last time, not allowing anyone to touch it except Derya and myself. I held it out for Lucy with a smile.

"My healing cordial, and dagger," Lucy said happily and hurried towards it. She reached her hand out but hesitated and looked up at me. "Oh, may I?"

"Of course," I said and chuckled. I didn't understand why she wouldn't be able to touch it since it had been hers for hundreds of years. I was just keeping it for her, waiting for her return. I placed it in her hands carefully. "They're yours."

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now