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The sea surface glittered in the sunlight and some nymphs were playing in the water and waved up to their Queen upon the mighty ship the Dawn Treader. We had only been out in the sea for a couple of weeks, yet we still had a long way to go. Our journey had taken us to Galma at first, where the Duke of Galma invited us to a banquet and a joust was held in honour of the King. The Duke even tried to force his daughter on Caspian and had them dance all night amusingly. Needless to say, Caspian was happy to get out of there as soon as possible.

A nymph jumped out of the water which made me smile widely. Down there in the depths of the was where I truly should have belonged with a people of my own to rule. If it weren't for Caspian I would have probably returned long ago, yet now no place felt like a real home unless Caspian was there too. It was with him that I truly did belong with. Besides, leaving would probably make him think it was okay to court a lady and make her Queen which I wasn't about to let happen.

Caspian had needed me when we fought the Giants and the other rebels, and despite him not having a dire need for my presence anymore in battle, I still couldn't make myself leave. We had spent endless hours talking about it - how guilty he felt for keeping me there while I assured him that I was happy on land. I obviously didn't say that it was all because of him since it would have made things way too obvious, so I simply said I had gotten accustomed to living on land. I didn't see the need for him to know that he was the centre of my world.

As the years had passed, though, it was probably no longer a secret that I was madly in love with the King of Narnia and that there may have been a slight chance of him feeling the same way. We had never confirmed our feelings for each other and honestly I never knew why. Perhaps I was afraid of making things too real or that he would reject my approaches if I tried. One day, I knew my love for him would be put to the test though for a King could not stay unmarried for too long for he needed heirs.

I jerked back to the present when Caspian came up the stairs to the prow and stopped next to me. I glanced at him with a small smile and took notice of how long his hair had gotten lately. I needed to cut it soon or he would start to look like a pirate as his hair grew longer than his shoulders. Caspian had grown a beard in the past years which I liked much, as long as it didn't grow too long either. The young boy who had left the Telmarine castle over three years ago now stood before me as a grown man, and what a handsome man he was.

"Hey," he said with a small smile on his lips.

"Hi," I replied as my mind was clouded with my love and affection for him. "Where are we going, Your Majesty?"

Caspian chuckled as he didn't particularly like it when I called him so because it made him uncomfortable.

"We'll see where the captain takes us," said Caspian and leant over the railings. He turned his eyes toward me again, a smile still lingering on his lips. "And Derya, please don't call me that again you know it makes me uncomfortable."

I simply grinned in response as his hand moved toward my face and he slowly started to caress my cheek with his rough fingers. Our eyes were glued to each other's and I could have stood there for ages enjoying the feeling of his skin against mine. If it weren't for my eyes flickering away for a second, I would have never noticed three strange figures in the water.

"Caspian," I said astounded and leant over the railings to get a better look.

What I saw brought joy to my heart and I smiled so widely I thought my face was going to explode with happiness. It had been years since I last saw their faces, but I would never forget their hair, eyes and noses that were so similar to each other.

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now