The other king

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I walked up toward the sleeping arrangements and peeked inside where King Peter and Edmund slept. Caspian had asked me to tell them that there was to be a meeting soon and that the Kings should get something to eat. I hadn't really gotten as much of a chance to speak to the two brothers as much as I had the girls, so I hoped to get to know them a bit better. Now they were both staring at me curiously as I stood there peaking inside their quarters.

"Hello," I said and smiled awkwardly. "Uhm, I just came to tell you that Caspian has called for a meeting, you better hurry to get something to eat first."

"Oh, thank you," Peter said and smiled faintly back. I nodded and we just stood there, the three of us just staring at each other. I didn't want to leave yet, I wanted to talk to these Mighty Kings, but I didn't know what to say. "Was there something else?"

"Sorry I was just thinking about this place you call England where you said you come from," I said and chuckled.

"It's alright," Peter said and looked quite amused. It was the first time I had heard him laugh, he always seemed very serious and grown up otherwise. "Well, where we come from... it's quite complicated actually. Narnia lives in a time that we lived in hundreds of years ago at home which is confusing since we were away for a year in our world yet here hundreds of years passed..."

Peter stopped as he saw the confused look on my face.

"There's a war going on in our home," Edmund spoke suddenly. "We don't live with our parents, the first time we came here was because we had been sent away to avoid the war. When we came here the first time, we had no idea what Narnia was. To be here again is just like a dream... it was painful to leave."

"I see," I said and nodded slowly. "You're needed again, Caspian needs you and he's a good person. Things have been difficult since you left but not all Telmarines are bad. Look at the minotaurs, they fought with the White Witch and now they are here with us. People change."

"Very true," Peter said and smiled.

"And Peter isn't always as grumpy as he seems," Edmund said teasingly and nudged his brother's shoulder. "He's just trying to act like an adult now that we're here." Peter nudged him back and I chuckled again.


Peter discussed how they would attack Miraz in the halls of the fortress. He had completely taken the lead of the Narnians and I suspected that Caspian felt left out by him since no one really noticed him anymore. Only a day earlier had all the Narnians answered to Caspian and no one else, it had made him feel like he was going to be King one day, it gave him hope. I hoped he knew that I was still loyal to him no matter what and that most of the Narnians did want him as their King in the future.

"It's only a matter of time," Peter said loudly to all that had gathered to listen to him which was close to everyone. There were the minotaurs, centaurs, dwarves and all talking animals imaginable, and I still had to remind myself that I wasn't dreaming. "Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. I saw them with my own eyes, those machines can rip this place apart in less than a day. But it also means those same men aren't protecting his castle."

"What do you propose we do, Your Majesty?" Reepicheep asked. Both Caspian and Peter started a sentence at the same time - Caspian had thought that Rip had meant him and Peter the same. I knew that Rip meant Peter and so did everyone else sadly enough. Caspian wasn't King yet.

He looked away and gestured for Peter to continue.

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us," Peter said and glaring especially at Caspian as he spoke as if to make a point.

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now