The attack

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I woke up to the sound of footsteps in my room. I annoyingly turned my back to the sound and wished to fall asleep again. I knew it wasn't time to wake up yet or there would be more noise in the caves. Now it was as silent as in a grave. I opened my eyes slowly, blinked a few times to adjust to the light and saw Derya lean over me. Her blue eyes gazed into mine, a happy glimpse in them. I hated when she woke up early because she always had to wake me up too.

"Five more minutes?" she said with a smile. Our stupid old saying that she know intended to tease me with. It was something I had always said every time the Professor or Derya woke me up early. "Come, I want to show you something."

"Really, now?" I chuckled and shook my head. I would rather go back to sleep then start walking around the tombs in the early morning, but I always did what Derya told me anyways, so I stood up. We walked slowly down toward the tombs, passing the reddish walls and the dust blowing up toward our legs as we walked down the staircase.

Derya showed me down to the tunnels as we spoke quietly about everything between earth and heaven. We even talked a little bit about one of our first encounters, how I had found her in the stables one day patting my horse. I had been angry with her because Destrier was my horse and I was very jealous that he seemed to like her. Derya had then apologised and said that he was so beautiful, that she couldn't help but pat him. She told me she had never ridden a horse before. I remember thinking she was so very strange, the offered her to come with me to my riding lessons. After that, Derya followed me anywhere and I followed her.

My mind was somewhere else when we arrived at the runes of Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. I had already seen these, so I wondered why Derya had brought me there again. The runes, paintings were stories from before they were Kings and Queens. This was one of the ways they had been remembered forever and I was sure that this tomb wasn't the only one in Narnia that had their paintings on their walls.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Derya said quietly and glanced at me. I agreed, of course, they were unique in a way, different from the paintings that were hung up in the castle. These were painted by ordinary people, not artists, but still, they had more meaning than any other portraits. "I wonder how it would feel like to become such a legend, for Narnians to draw you into their walls only because they love you so much."

"I don't think I'll ever know how it will feel like," I mumbled to myself and glanced down at my hands. I wasn't even sure I would be able to become king this world anymore, I had much doubt in my heart. King Peter's plan was bold, to storm the castle and claim it as our own. Then what? I would be king, but what if the people or Narnians wouldn't accept me and wanted the old kings and queens to rule again. They were more experienced, and Peter was the one who would lead the rebellion, next to me of course.

"You will," Derya grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard. I looked into her eyes to find courage, to trust in her words and trust in myself. "In the future, you will be drawn onto walls, written in books and remembered until this world doesn't exist anymore. I promise, Caspian."


Susan, Peter, Edmund, Trumpkin and I were to sneak into the castle from above, in the air. This way the Telmarines wouldn't spot us until it was too late, and we could take Miraz as a prisoner without anyone noticing. Then our troops would storm the rest of the castle and all Telmarines that gave up would be spared while those who fought against would be killed. The Eagles gave us a ride, we were held by their claws and I was happy to not be scared of heights. I could see the few guards that were out patrolling in the towers, not noticing anything that happened above them.

Edmund landed on one of the towers and took the two guards out while I and the others landed on solid ground. Susan shot a guard quickly while Peter and I killed the other three with our swords, making this the first time I ever killed one of my own. These guards could once have been mine if my father hadn't died. Thinking about it gave me bad conscious about killing them.

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