Journey of the Pevensies

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A few weeks after the coronation I had already been packed with work and responsibilities. This did not give me time to find Derya and talk to her alone which honestly was all I wanted ever since the meeting with Aslan. Now that I knew that she was going to stay on land, I wanted to talk to her about the possibility of us perhaps beginning some type of courtship, but I was nervous about it since it would be very awkward if she didn't want to. Something always got in the way of me asking, though, a speech, Lords asking questions and meetings during the days.

I hadn't even been King for a month and already Aslan had called for a great meeting with the people by the courtyard later that week. He had an announcement to make to us all and I had no clue as to what it could be.

When I finally was free, I went to find Derya in the courtyard where Lucy had told me she was just a few minutes ago. Just as I was about to hurry toward her, Peter came up to her and started talking. I stopped and sighed - I didn't want to disturb them in case it was something important. Just as I was about to turn around and leave, Derya noticed me and excused herself from Peter. She hurried toward me with a smile on her beautiful, red lips.

"Hello, my King," she said jokingly and glanced down at her hands. She was so incredibly beautiful with her new dress on. I had seen her with comfortable, travelling clothes for very long and I wasn't used to seeing her so dressed up. "I've hardly seen you since the coronation."

I smiled and nodded - much had happened since then and I hadn't realised what it would mean to be a king before now. I had much to do, a whole country trusted in me and my counsellors. I hoped Derya would like to help me and be involved in all the politics. I wasn't sure if those things bored her, but I assumed she would be interested since she always had strong opinions.


I grabbed her hand and started walking around the courtyard so we could talk in privacy, be at peace together at least. I did feel like we belonged at that moment, that everything seemed so natural with Derya. We walked through the yard with our hands clasped together like a real couple and I wanted all living in the castle to get used to the sight of their King together with the girl he loved.

"There is something I have to say to you Derya."

"What is it?" she asked and smiled curiously.

"I ..." I began but hesitated. "You and I have known each other for many years, we've been friends for many years... You know that you are the most important person in my life and that I wouldn't be here without you."

"I feel like there's something behind this," Derya teased but smiled encouragingly.

"I feel like you know what I'm about to ask of you," I said and glanced down at the ground. "I'm a King and you are a Queen, and we both must eventually marry so-"

"This is the absolute worst proposal I have ever heard of," Derya said and laughed. "Caspian, you are not suggesting that we should marry each other because we're both rulers?"

"No, perhaps not," I said and chuckled. "There are other reasons as well."

Derya looked me in the eye and then her eyes flickered away to some far away spot behind me. She sighed deeply and I knew that this was not going to go my way.

"We're both young," she said and smiled faintly. "We have been friends for many years, only friends. I won't deny that the thought hasn't crossed my mind a few times and that the thought of you marrying some other girl makes my blood boil. But you heard what Aslan said. One day, I will have to return to my home and face my past which means that I will have to return to the sea. I will be a sea creature again, not a human, and nymphs are immortal just like my father was before he gave it up. I will be there, and you will be up here, and I will outlive you. I can't do that as your wife."

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