The Sword

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Lucy, Eustace and I sat on a bench and waited for the slave traders to sell us to strangers, men that could use us in whatever way they wanted. It was like I had been frozen to stone and not only because it had been a freezing night that we'd first spent in a cell and then sitting on those benches for hours. Seeing all those women, men and even children being ripped away from their homes and sold or taken away in a carriage had made me cold inside. I tried to do anything to keep myself from breaking apart.

Lucy cried again like she had done the past hours since she was so scared of what was going to happen to us, and there was nothing I could do to comfort her. I couldn't free her, couldn't hug her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. I was helpless and so was she, nothing made me angrier than that. I was disappointed in myself for failing to protect her and Eustace from harm, and especially the poor boy who probably wasn't sure of what was going on. Besides that, I had no idea where Caspian and Edmund could be and if they even were alive still.

"We will get away Lucy," I promised her quietly, trying to touch her hand with mine carefully. I managed to do it and she glanced at me with a small, hopeful smile. She dried her eyes with her handcuffed hands and straightened her back as the grown woman she was - not a little girl that would cry the day away. "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise."

I wished I hadn't promised since suddenly a man took hold of Lucy and put her in front of the audience on a pedestal. He showed her off as he owned her, and now the highest bidding man would get to take her.

"Now ..." he said and glanced at Lucy with a smile. He was probably figuring out a sensible price to sell her for which was disgusting. Lucy was short but strong, and she was also very beautiful. Many of the buyers would surely want her which didn't make it easier for me to try to save her. "How much for the little lady?"

"50!" Cried one.

"100!" Cried another.

I tried to rip myself from the handcuffs but there was no use. It angered me how they treated a queen of Narnia, how they treated everyone on the island. They had taken the Lone Island like it was theirs and made the people slaves. It was against the law and since the Lone Island was located so far away from the castle, no one had heard of this. Caspian wasn't foolish enough to let the islands in Narnia run by themselves without anyone from the castle guarding it, but whatever subject had been sent to watch over the Lone Island was not there anymore. Now I could only hope that the rescue party that Reepicheep lead would come soon and help us out of there.

"150 for the little lady!" said one man.

"Sold!" said the seller and seemed content with the price. He reached down to the ground and picked up a sign. He hung it over Lucy's neck and showed everyone the big, bold letters 'sold' written over it. I could see Lucy's frightened expression on her young face, they would take her away now and I would have no chance of finding her again if she disappeared. I was furious at the traders and next in line was Eustace to be sold.

"And now ..." said the seller again. He glanced at Eustace and didn't seem to be very impressed this time. Eustace wasn't very strong or big. He wouldn't be able to carry much at all which was usually what young slave boys were bought to do. I knew quickly that people wouldn't bid much on him which was good since I didn't want to lose him too.

"This boy."

Silence spread across the square as no one said anything, no one wanted to bid. This was a good thing for us since it bought us time, but I was sure that Eustace would be offended by it. A time that the rescue party would use to come and help us out of there. I directed my gaze upward and I saw something in the corner of my eyes, two figures walking on one of the bridges above us. My vision became clearer as I spotted Caspian and Edmund walking down from one of the towers. They were tied in front of some guards, looking quite alright except Edmund's bruises. I was happy to see that they were unharmed.

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now