Ramandu's Island

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We had taken onto the ship again after Gale and Lucy spotted the star in the morning when everyone was still asleep. It didn't take long for us to row back to the ship and set sail, telling Eustace that he would have to fly next to the ship since he was still a dragon. I felt a little bad for him, but I think it would be good for him to at least try to get used to the thought of being a dragon in case there was nothing we could do to turn him back.

Finally, we were following the blue star for it was clear as the sun on the blue sky of the day. It was our first taste of luck we'd had for quite a while, but unfortunately, the wind wasn't blowing. It seemed like everything good came with a price since no wind meant that we would be stuck still on the sea if the crew didn't row with mere force.

I had a hard time looking Derya in the eye during the day since I didn't know what the kiss had meant to her. She was convinced that she was some sort of temptress just because her mother was, which was ridiculous since Derya was nothing like her. I'd wanted to kiss Derya since I was ten and I'd been in love with her for years - this was not the result of a sea maiden.

I did avoid Derya now, only to avoid any more embarrassing gazes between us. But after many hours of me staring at her from a distance, wondering if I should talk to her or not, it couldn't avoid her any longer. I had to talk to her about what happened sooner or later. She walked past me to get to one of the crew members when I grabbed her hand quickly to stop her. Derya turned around and looked me in the eye, smiling a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Derya," I said quietly and made sure no one was listening.

I was pretty sure some had noticed that Derya and I were somehow distant to each other since we were always attached to the hip otherwise. It wasn't hard to figure out that their king was madly in love with his closest friend and I'd even heard that some of the crew members were betting on when our engagement would be announced. Edmund told me that.

"Can we speak alone?"

Derya lowered her gaze to my hand that was still holding hers in a steady grip. I dropped it quickly since I'd probably made her feel uncomfortable after all that had happened these last couple of days. Somehow things had changed between us, but not for the worse.

"Of course..." she said quickly and nodded.

We walked into the armoury together to be alone, passing many crew members that sent us curious glances. I opened the door to the armoury, let her go in first before I stepped inside too, and I closed the door behind us so we could talk in peace without anyone interrupting us. I moved to stand in front of her so our eyes would meet.

"About last night..." I began and sighed, feeling how the lump in my chest was growing. I was very scared. "I know me kissing you didn't help- "

"It's alright I understand," Derya quickly, interrupting me in mid-sentence. "I mean, I've thought more about it and I guess I was probably just making excuses for being in love with you. I've always been, and I've been trying to push it away just because I knew that I would have to face my mother again. And now I have, and we're still here."

"We sure are," I said and smiled. "I really love you; you know."

Derya nodded slowly and snaked her arms around my waist in a hug, knowing what I had meant with my vague words. I placed my arms around her as well and pressed her closer to me. We held each other for a while before Derya released me and kissed me on the cheek, making me smile.

Suddenly the boat jerked and Derya fell toward me again. Somehow - probably intentionally from both of us - our lips pressed against each other in another kiss. Instead of pulling away, I cupped my hands around her face and kissed her harder, more passionately. Derya responded to the kiss, I was sure of it, so I snaked my arms around her waist and pressed her closer to me. She wrapped her arms around me and grabbed a piece of my loose shirt in her small first. The kiss gradually became more and more passionate but eventually, we pulled ourselves away.

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