Aslan and the Narnians

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After explaining the situation to the Kings and Queens, we were off to Aslan's How, a place that Trumpkin was certain that the rest of the Narnians would gather. Apparently, this Rebellion against the Telmarine rule had been going on for longer than I had imagined and the Narnians had only been waiting for the right moment to strike back against the Telmarines. Caspian could be their leader and their new King.

We were riding in the boat we had stolen from the Telmarine guards on a river inside a gorge. Peter was rowing and the siblings were admiring the beautiful nature of Narnia that they hadn't bestowed upon in years. According to themselves, they had returned to their own world a place far away from here that was in a different time, but unintentionally. In their world, the time they spent away from Narnia was only a year, but here hundreds of years had passed. The time they spent in Narnia before had not seemed to set its mark because as they returned to their world they had been the same age as they were when they first entered.

"They're so still," said Queen Lucy as she looked upon the trees.

"They're trees," Trumpkin said bitterly. "What'd you expect?"

"They used to dance," said Lucy sadly.

I glanced down at my hands and out into the water. Many things used to be different in Narnia before the Telmarines came. I wasn't born when they took over, I was born far into the conquest when their roots had grown deep, but I still imagined the time when Narnia had been free.

"Wasn't long after you left that the Telmarines invaded," Trumpkin muttered. "Those who survived retreated to into the woods. And the trees... they retreated so deep into themselves that they haven't been heard from since."

"The same happened to most of my people..." I said sadly. "Either they hid at the very bottom of the waters or their spirits have turned into invisible shadows... never to be heard from again."

"I don't understand," said Lucy and she seemed truly upset. "How could Aslan have let this happen?"

I glanced at Lucy with a small smile on her lips. It was very sweet of her to believe that Narnia would have been a wonderful place after they left because it would have been in Aslan's care. Yet Aslan wasn't that sort of ruler, he was more like a guardian that saw everything yet only intervene when the time was right.

"Aslan?" Trumpkin said. "Thought he abandoned us when you lot did."

The Pevensie siblings looked at Trumpkin as what he said was harsh. I knew they loved Narnia and would have never left it in this state if they had a choice. They were also the close as anyone could have become with the Great lion.

"We didn't mean to leave, you know," Peter said.

"Makes no difference now, does it?" Trumpkin asked.

"Get us to the Narnians... and it will."



I had agreed to meet with the rest of the Narnians hiding in the woods, to fight for them and their freedom as Trufflehunter the badger so wanted. Yet I refused to sit around and wait for the old Kings and Queens to show up for that could take ages or they might now show up at all! Trufflehunter and Nikabrik refused to show me the way to the Dancing Lawn before the Kings and Queens arrived so I decided to set off and find it myself.

As I made my way through the forest, I clearly heard that someone was following me and based on the high grass rattling I knew it had to be Trufflehunter and Nikabrik. I turned around and sighed deeply.

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now