The Dawn Treader

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A year had passed since Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy had left Narnia after helping me claim the throne from my evil uncle Miraz. The siblings had helped end his cruel rule of Narnia and of all the Kings before him to restore this land to what it once was when they sat upon the throne. Miraz was now dead and so were most that had supported his rule. Narnia was free once more after 1300 years of oppression of its own people.

I had been King for a year now and had promised peace between humans and Narnians so that we could all live together. I, as opposed to all the Kings before me, did not hate or fear the Narnians but truly believed that they belonged on this land. Therefore I hired them as my advisors, rebuilt their homes and let them become a part of the new age of Narnia.

It did, of course, help my credibility as my closest friend was the Queen of Narnia's Sea, Derya, and she had given up so much to stay on land. A part of me had always hoped that it was for my sake alone that she didn't return to the Sea to rule in her nereid form because I was utter, hopelessly in love with her. Not that we had any time to talk of such things because soon after I was crowned King, rebels started to emerge across the land that was still on my dead uncle Miraz's side and wanted the Narnians gone. They wanted another Telmarine oppressor as King so that all the Lords that had lost everything due to Miraz's defeat would have their riches and power restored.

Those rebels weren't all that difficult to defeat, however it was when the Northern Giants started to rebel that our true difficulties began. They were large and many in number, so I waged a war against them. We had been in the North for three months fighting and of course, there was one person always by my side - and that was Derya.

"We need to attack by Dawn, Your Majesty," said Sir Bespugir as we stood around our council table.

We needed a plan for a final battle against the Giants. We had lost a quite substantial amount of men two days earlier when the Giants had attacked our camp, yet they retreated as they were too few. Sir Bespugir was one of my best soldiers and I trusted him with my life, yet I did not like the idea of going into battle without knowing what the Giants were planning.

"Sir Bespugir is right, Your Liege," Reepicheep spoke and walked across the map looking at all the commanders and finally at me. "If we do nothing the Giants will attack again."

"We don't know what we're getting into," I insisted and sighed deeply.

"Actually, we do."

Derya entered our tent with two other men and she looked as she had been to hell and back. Her face was filled with cuts and her clothes were ripped, yet she looked unharmed enough. I smiled and walked toward her and Derya placed her hand on my shoulder with a smile.

"What news have you brought us, my lady?" Sir Bespugir asked.

"The Giants have moved their headquarters further east," Derya explained as she took a seat and a squire was quick to get her a cup of water. "If we attack now with the cover of night, they won't see us coming and we can end all this tonight. They are still waiting for arriving forces of Giants from the North and if we get there before them we will be able to treat with the rest of them."

"Sounds like a plan," I spoke and smiled at her thankfully. Without her, we would have all been doomed.

Said and done, we marched toward the Giant's camp only an hour later and attacked them by surprise, creating a huge advantage for us. Though the Giants were few in number it was hard to defeat even one of them as they were so large and powerful. The battle drew on for hours until the sun was high in the sky and the Giants slowly started to decrease in number.

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now