The Lone Island

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Edmund and I did some fencing after a day filled with hard work. He had been gone for three, long years and I wanted to make sure he still knew how to handle a blade in case he would need to use it again while having some fun doing so. The crew were happy to find an excuse not to work so they gathered around to cheer us on. The duel was only for fun, of course, and it was a close match. Edmund had become much stronger than the last time he visited Narnia, enough to surprise me and to make me realise that I might not win. Since it would have taken forever to crown a winner as the duel was so close, we both gave it our last before ending it - both as winners.

The crew applauded and cheered at us both, waving their fists in the air. Edmund smiled, proud that he had managed to fight against a king that he could have possibly won against if we had more time. I had no doubt there was a chance of that happening for the boy had become skilled and strong, and I was glad that I didn't have to experience that loss. Now it was time for another one to challenge me, I still had enough energy for another duel. I turned to the crowd to speak up and ask who would want to challenge me next.

"Who will be my next opponent?" I said loudly with a grin on my lips, looking around to see who dared meeting me in a duel. Edmund had been the only one of the crew that had been brave enough until now, no one else wanted to risk hurting their king. "Come on, someone must want to challenge the King."

"Derya! Derya will do it!"

Derya sat on the railing with a small smile on her lips. She chuckled and turned her head to the crowd screaming her name and announcing her as the next challenger. She had been watching mine and Edmund's duel the entire time and I knew the crowd would want nothing more than to see Derya fight me since they knew she was a tough dueller. Besides, everyone knew Derya wouldn't go easy on me despite me being the King which was thrilling for the men of course.

"Give the people what they want Derya," I said and smiled at her, almost teasing her a little bit. I knew she wanted to decline, but I wanted this duel to happen. "Or are you too afraid?"

Derya raised her eyebrows and I took that as a sign that she accepted the challenge. She jumped down from the railings and walked towards me while the crew cheered.

"Ready?" asked Derya with a smug smile and drew her sword.

I nodded and held my sword in the right position. Without warning, she charged forward, and we soon began our fierce fencing. The pressure of her sword against mine was if possible greater than that of Edmund's - perhaps because Derya wasn't holding back. I instantly regretted ever bringing her to my fencing lessons when we were younger, I just hated the thought of losing to her now that I had set my mindset to win.

"Given up yet?" I said with a grin, feeling out of breath already.

"Never," she said and gave my sword a hard hit which made me lose my balance slightly. She dodged around me, grabbed my sword from my hand and brought me down to the ground in only seconds. She sat down over me to stop me from standing up again, one leg on each side of me and pointed the sword tip against my neck. She had won and the crew cheered and applauded for the winner. My pride should justly have been hurt since I had lost a duel against another ruler, yet I was just happy that Derya was sitting over me in a very intimate position.

"Do you really want everyone watching?" I teased and Derya gasped because of my cheekiness.

"Alright, back to work!" Drinian said and gained some sour huffs and sighs from the crew who had no intention to start working again. Unfortunately, I couldn't do much about it, sometimes I felt like Drinian stood over me at commanding. Even I was scared of him sometimes since his looks were pretty intimidating with his bald head and dark eyes.

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