A princess

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The grand Kingdom of Narnia was guarded over by the great lion Aslan - the one true king of the world of Narnia. He had been its creator and therefore he stood above all the kings and queens that had sat upon the four thrones in Cair Paravel throughout history. Narnia was filled with humans, talking animals and creatures that one had only heard of in fairy tales before. It was not uncommon to see a dwarf, hear the fauns sing and perhaps see the shadows of the mighty centaurs in their forests. It was a land of rolling hills into low mountains to the south, forest covering most of it.

There was more to the world of Narnia than the kingdom, though, for it was also on the brink of a beautiful ocean filled with creatures of its own. The Great Eastern Ocean was ruled by a king of its own. There lived the merpeople - beautiful mermaids as well as Naiads - sweet water spirits commonly referred to as nymphs - and Nereids, sea water spirits. Since the beginning of Narnia, the nereid and naiad god Era, the King of all merpeople, had been its righteous ruler.

For many years he ruled on his own and ever kept the peace between the merpeople of Bight of Calormen in the Great Eastern Ocean and the sea people near the End of the World. The sea people lived in the Last Sea near the border of the Silver Sea. No Narnian had ever seen them except very few merpeople who had fought them once long ago.

The sea people were not like merpeople for they had legs instead of tails, but they lived underwater. They travelled on large seahorses and were dangerous to those who angered them. The females were known to seduce men to the point of their destruction. This was not the case of the merpeople, for they were quite occupied with living their lives to care much for the people on land.

Era was a powerful king, but a lonely one. After thousands of years in solitude, he fell deeply in love with a sea maiden from the Last Sea named Lilith, the Queen of the sea people. Lilith was a temptress with a dark heart and had no admirable intentions with king Era. The queen wanted to rule all of Narnia's waters and therefore she made the great journey to the Great Eastern Ocean to seduce the immortal god. Era became entranced by Lilith's beauty and entrancing words and soon gave up his own immortality in order to be with his loved one.

Era took Lilith as his wife and she was soon crowned the Queen of the merpeople. Soon Lilith intentions started to unravel as she was quick to get herself pregnant with the King's child and in the year of 2290, Era's only child and heir were born. The daughter came to be in the last years of the Telmarine reign, born into great unhappiness as the merpeople had decreased significantly in number. Narnia had not had an easy time after the reign of the Pevensie siblings ended, taking Narnia's Golden Age with their disappearance. The Dark Age began which made Narnia fall into a state of power-struggles and eventually anarchy. King Era had difficulties of his own to keep his people together while the land was falling into ruin.

Many years after the Pevensies left, a group of men called the Telmarines immigrated to Narnia and claimed it as their own. Their old homeland, Telmar, had been struck by a horrid famine and the kingdom of Narnia was plentiful. Somehow they thought that they had the right and power to take the land from those who already lived there.

Caspian I, known as the Conqueror, led his people in their conquest of Narnia which began the Telmarine age. The Telmarines were of course met by the talking beasts and other creatures that lived in Narnia, which scared them, and they believed them to be demons. The Narnians were driven into hiding because of the Telmarines, who had an advantage because of war machines, and soon their very existence became merely a legend.

The merpeople were not as exposed as the Narnians on land and therefore Era kept his people alive, but hidden, for many years. The King grew weaker as the gloominess of the falling land of Narnia grew, and one day Lilith found herself strong enough to do what she had intended to do from the beginning. With Era being weak, Lilith killed her husband effortlessly to make herself the sole ruler of Narnia's waters. Though the strength of the merpeople was failing, a last band of soldiers fought Lilith in a terrible Last War which ended with her banishment to the End of the World. The merpeople stole Era's baby daughter from her mother to protect her, for they did not want the girl to be raised by such a foul creature as Lilith. The child was their only chance of one day being able to restore their home to the great kingdom it once was.

A Queen of Narnia - Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian fanfiction NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now