the way i love you

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it really felt like the end of an era finishing my first one shot book, but now we're starting another <3

a short and sweet chapter to start us off

Travis' POV

"Alright, and on to other news." Jason said, giving me that knowing smile. I knew what that meant, and I couldn't help but smile back. After a few conversations with Taylor, we'd grown more comfortable talking about each other, and honestly, anybody I knew would tell you that she was my favorite subject to talk about. "Travis, we recently saw you wrapping up the Eras Tour with a little stage debut."

"Well, you know Tay wanted to go out in style." I joked playfully. "What better way to do it?"

"Well, it was certainly a show to remember." Jason said and we both paused, knowing in the edits they'd insert a video of the last show when I'd taken the stage with Taylor.

I couldn't believe she'd wanted me to do it when she'd asked. I'd thought she was kidding. But she had been dead serious, and so during Karma, I'd come out as the guy on the Chiefs and she'd held my hand high to sing the line. Everyone had gone absolutely insane.

"How did you feel?" Jason asked. "Being up there again."

"Oh it was incredible, I mean to even get the chance to watch the show is the honor of a lifetime, but for Tay to ask if I wanted to be onstage a second time..." I shook my head, smiling. "When she asked I seriously thought she was messing with me. But we made it happen, and I was just having the best time."

"Well, you certainly couldn't keep your eyes off a certain someone." Jason chuckled, and a video came up on the monitor of Taylor and I on stage. She was singing, and I was just gazing at her like we were alone. I laughed.

"Well." I shrugged. "Can you blame me? Her stage's just incredible. If only people could see how much work she put into that tour, how much fun she had making it the experience of a lifetime for them."

"I know that's true." Jason agreed. "She must be really proud of you to bring you out on stage for a moment like that."

"Are you kidding?" I smiled. "I'm proud of her. Tay's the damn strongest, incredible women I have ever had the privilege of knowing and I just..." My throat clogged and I swallowed, fighting tears all of a sudden. Sometimes I got really emotional talking about Tay like that. She found it really sweet, but I was filming right now and I had to pause and catch my breath. "Sorry." I sighed.

"No, that's okay, you need a minute?" Jason asked.

"No I'm good." I shook my head. "I just...I love her so much you know? Every day I wake up and I see her and I'm like..." I gestured. "Holy shit, I'm actually not dreaming." Jason smiled, just letting me talk. I couldn't stop. "I wish the people that talked shit could see the real her, could see just how sweet she is, how much she cares. You know, the other day she found a puppy that had been abandoned right before we had to go to an event and she stayed home to take care of it. Now we have a dog and three cats." I laughed. "That's just the kind of person she is."

"Never thought I'd see the day brother." Jason was smiling as he listened to me talk. 

"What can I say, she changed my life." I smiled back. "That woman is absolutely everything to me and I hope she knows it."

Then I heard a little sound and turned, looking over to see Taylor standing in the doorway. She'd been asleep when I'd started filming so was just wearing some sweatpants and one of my shirts, arms wrapped around herself as she cried quietly. I didn't know how long she'd been standing there, but she'd obviously heard the last few things I'd said. Her hair was tangled and messy, lip trembling.

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