EP19 Pt3 What Goes Up... (Day 15)

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SUMMARY: Cocktail party celebrations are underway.

Iain Stirling:

Welcome back...

To Love Island!

While the boys are back at the Villa,

the girls are still living it up Casa Amor style.

This morning they got chatty with the new boys in the pool...

Then spent the afternoon competing against the other Villa.

Which, let's be honest, was mostly about who could snog who the quickest.

Surely it's only a matter of time before that becomes an Olympic sport.

Coming up!

The Islanders find out who won the gold medal...

Well, there aren't any medals,

but there's a fancy cocktail party in it for the winners.

Which is much better, if you ask me.

While the boy take a much-needed break

to recover from their day of...

Lounging about in the sun?

The girls start to get ready for the evening.

And it's not just what to wear that they're asking about...

Casa Amor: Dressing Room

Chelsea is casually painting her nails; her expression is serene and unbothered, as if she doesn't have a care in the world. Marisol has one leg propped up on the stool as she shaves it.

Lottie raises an eyebrow, her tone curious and slightly teasing. "Why are you shaving your legs, Marisol? Didn't you do them this morning?"

"Maybe, but you know..." Marisol smirks, her voice playful and filled with a hint of mystery.

Lottie tilts her head, puzzled, and her brow furrowing slightly. "Know what?"

The law student replies with a cheeky smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, who knows what will happen tonight is all I'm saying."

"Oh?" Lottie remains unsure for a moment, her expression blank. Suddenly, realisation dawns on her, and her face lights up with understanding. "Oh!" She smirks and practically purrs, "Oh..."

Across the vanity table, Priya sighs, her voice tinged with regret and past experience. "It pays to be prepared. I learned that the hard way."

Chelsea pauses while applying her nail polish, her hand frozen mid-air. "I prefer epilating. It hurts, like, a lot, but my legs are so smooth afterward." A soft laugh escaped her lips.

"Do you think about which guys here wax and stuff?" Hope asks from the other side of the room, where she holds up a chic olive leather corset, featuring a lace-up design and hook fastenings, examining it in the mirror.

Grace lowers her hairbrush as her thoughts wander. I wonder what guys manscape... She nods confidently. "I'm sure they all do. I mean, have you seen their chests? Not a hair on most of them."

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