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Seokmin's pov

The most profound mistake I've made was in surrendering to love and the trust I gave to another.

Love, with its intoxicating promises, made me profoundly vulnerable, laying my heart bare and fragile.

I felt a celestial thrill, a dizzying sensation as if stars were igniting within me, convincing me of an everlasting bond.

But when that trust was betrayed, the brilliance of those stars turned to shadows, leaving behind a deep, unhealed scar.

The betrayal was not just a personal loss but a brutal reminder of how love can leave you exposed and broken, a lesson etched deeply into my soul, one I hope never to repeat.

But he-he was different. His very existence felt like an anomaly, as though he didn't belong in this world.

The urge to drag him into the darkness I inhabit, to make him experience the shadowy depths of my reality, was overwhelming.

Yet, at the same time, the need to shield him from it was equally intense. When it came to him, I was beyond the reach of right or wrong.

He was wholly, irrevocably mine. No one else had a claim over him-not now, not ever.

From the moment I laid eyes on Hong Joshua, I knew he was destined to be mine. The way he looked at me with those doe-like eyes, the innocence in his smile-it all belonged to me.

He was mine to mold, to cherish, and to shatter. Laws and morals held no sway where he was concerned.

Joshua was mine, and I would bend the world to keep him in my grasp, whether through creation or destruction.

The world outside our bubble of obsession and possessiveness could burn for all I cared. Joshua's existence was my universe, and I was the dark force that orbited around him.

His innocence was a flame I both craved and wanted to extinguish, to make him feel the cold grip of my reality.

He was a precious, delicate thing, and I intended to shape him entirely, mold him into my vision of perfection-or obliterate him in the process.

His every breath, every glance was a claim I laid on him, a mark of ownership that couldn't be erased. The lines between love and control blurred into a consuming haze, where my desires became his fate.

His happiness and suffering, his very essence-everything was under my dominion. There was no room for anyone else, no space for interference.

Joshua was mine in every conceivable sense, and I would exact my will upon him, regardless of the cost.

"I'll bend the world just to keep you by my side."

"From the moment you looked at me, you were irrevocably mine."


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Joshua's pov

Scars from someone you once thought loved you are more than physical marks; they embody the emotional pain and betrayal of that relationship.

These scars aren't gifts but enduring symbols of a love that was cherished but ultimately damaging.

Each one tells a story of trust broken and affection that fell short, leaving a lasting impact on your heart and soul.

I was always told to be grateful for what I have and to never ask for more. Yet, the contradiction grows clearer when someone-more specifically, this man-insists on helping me without any invitation.

Lee Seokmin. He wasn't just unkind; he was a force of dark malevolence, almost toxic in his demeanor. His presence was like a shadow, lurking with a palpable danger.

So, how is it that he appears most alive when he's buying me my favorite breakfast or basking in the praise of his garish new shirts?

There's something unsettling about his twisted joy in these acts, as if they are the only fragments of warmth in his otherwise cold, ruthless existence.

His happiness in these moments is a disturbing contrast to the venom he usually exudes, hinting at a deeper, darker complexity beneath the surface.

But he wasn't made for me. We weren't meant to be together. I know I need to keep my distance, to sever the ties that bind us.

Yet, every attempt to push him out of my life seems to unravel the very fabric of my existence.

The world feels as though it's collapsing around me, each moment of rejection leading to a greater disintegration of everything I hold together.

His presence, while corrosive, has become a force that holds the remnants of my reality in place.

As I try to extricate myself, the ground beneath me trembles, and the once-stable structures of my life crumble, leaving me lost in a sea of chaos and despair.

Every step away from him feels like a plunge into an abyss, where the ground is unstable and the air is heavy with the weight of my choices.

The world I once understood is fracturing, each crack echoing with the loss of what was once familiar.

His absence, paradoxically, brings a suffocating void, as if his very presence was the fragile thread that held my sanity together.

The more I strive to distance myself, the more everything around me seems to shatter-relationships dissolve, routines falter, and the certainty of my world crumbles into a chaotic whirlwind.

In trying to escape his shadow, I find myself trapped in a darker, more desolate place, where the boundaries between reality and disarray blur into an unending nightmare.

"Each attempt to push you away has only made the void around me deeper and more terrifying."

"Was there ever a way to truly escape you, or is this chaos just the price I have to pay?"

"Was there ever a way to truly escape you, or is this chaos just the price I have to pay?"

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Finally the prologue is here! And I tried something new the pics are edited by me! Full credits to me and me and what do you think of the prologue?

Anyways enjoy!

See you on 25! 💋🫂

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