Chapter 47. Change for good

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"He wants to what now?" Jeonghan's eyebrows shot up as he spun to look at Seungcheol, who sat calmly on the bed.

"Talk," Seungcheol replied, his voice steady, but it did little to cool the fire in Jeonghan's eyes.

Jeonghan slammed his moisturizer bottle onto the counter, marching toward Seungcheol until he was looming over him.

"What talk does your brother want with me? If he's here to ask about Joshua's whereabouts, he can go to hell because—" Jeonghan’s words trailed off as Seungcheol grabbed his wrist, pulling him sharply down onto his lap.

His arms snaked around Jeonghan's waist, locking him in place with a possessive grip.

"Could you, for once, just listen?" Seungcheol's voice dropped to a whisper, dangerous yet calm.

"If Seokmin wanted to know where Joshua was, he would’ve figured it out by now, Caro. Niente può fermare Seokmin se vuole fare qualcosa. (Nothing can stop Seokmin if he wants to do something.)"

Jeonghan’s eyes narrowed at the line, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. Of course. He knew exactly how far Seokmin could go.

He clenched his jaw, remembering the cameras Seokmin had planted, the ones that made Joshua’s paranoia spiral out of control.

"Gli strapperò la testa se prova qualcosa con Joshua, e sai che non sto scherzando, bubbles, (I'll rip his head off if he tries something with Joshua, and you know I'm not joking, bubbles.)" Jeonghan hissed as he shoved Seungcheol away, rising from his lap.

His movements were sharp, controlled—too controlled, like a storm waiting to break.

Jeonghan stormed down the stairs, his padded slippers slapping loudly against each step, a rhythmic beat that punctuated his irritation. He had no intention of even looking at Seokmin, let alone talking to him.

As he reached the living room, he spotted Seokmin sprawled on the couch, exuding his usual air of dominance, his gaze focused elsewhere.

"What do you want?" Jeonghan snapped, dropping onto the couch opposite Seokmin with a forceful thud. Seokmin's eyes flicked up, dark and unreadable.

Jeonghan clenched his teeth, feeling a grim satisfaction that Seokmin was finally facing some of the consequences of his actions.

"No coffee or tea?" Seokmin asked, tilting his head with an almost casual air.

"We’re out," Jeonghan replied curtly, his voice dripping with annoyance. Seokmin merely chuckled and leaned forward, fixing his gaze on Jeonghan.

"I'm sorry," Seokmin said suddenly, his tone surprisingly sincere. Jeonghan blinked, taken aback.

"What?" Jeonghan unfolded his hands, staring at Seokmin in confusion.

"I’m sorry for what I did. Because of me, he’s gone. I know I fucked up badly, beyond repair, and it’s all my fault," Seokmin confessed, his voice heavy with remorse. Jeonghan remained silent, his emotions churning.

"I—I'm very sorry," Seokmin repeated, the words hanging in the air between them.

Seokmin’s voice trembled as he spoke, each word weighed down by regret. "You might not know, but there were things that happened that made me doubt him, and I feel horrible about it." He looked away, struggling with the depth of his remorse.

Jeonghan remained silent, his eyes fixed on Seokmin, his anger momentarily subdued by the sincerity of the confession.

"I understand that no matter what I say, my actions can never be justified," Seokmin continued, his voice rough with emotion.

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