Chapter 24. Written for me

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“Do you like it?” Seokmin asked, his voice a soft murmur as he approached Joshua, who was now sitting on the plush velvet couch.

Seokmin handed him a glass of water, watching as Joshua’s eyes roamed around the room, wide with awe. Every detail seemed to hold his attention, like he was trying to drink in the essence of the place.

Joshua took the glass, barely noticing as his fingers brushed against Seokmin’s. His gaze traveled around the vast living room, his breath catching at the sheer luxury that surrounded him.

The walls, soaring to impossibly high ceilings, were adorned with intricate gold moldings that gleamed softly under the warm, ambient lighting.

Each corner was filled with carefully selected art pieces, masterpieces that spoke of a taste both refined and discerning.

The floor was covered with thick, deep-hued rugs that felt like clouds beneath his feet, while the marble beneath gleamed white and unblemished, like a canvas untouched by time.

Heavy, floor-to-ceiling drapes framed the tall windows, their rich fabric spilling onto the ground, hinting at the world outside but keeping it at bay, preserving the sanctity of the space within.

The furniture was elegant and expensive, each piece carefully chosen to fit into a harmonious symphony of comfort and extravagance.

Ornate chandeliers hung from the ceiling, their crystals sparkling like stars, casting a soft, intimate glow that made everything feel timeless and surreal.

Seokmin’s house wasn’t just luxurious—it was a work of art, a testament to the power and wealth that had shaped it.

Each element was a carefully crafted piece of a puzzle that spoke of success, influence, and a desire for beauty that bordered on obsession.

Joshua felt like he had stepped into a different world, one where everything was touched by gold and perfection.

“It’s beautiful,” Joshua finally whispered, his voice almost lost in the vastness of the room. He looked up at Seokmin, who was watching him with a small, knowing smile. “Like it’s carved out of wealth itself.”

Seokmin felt a wave of relief wash over him as he sat beside Joshua. Seeing the awe in Joshua’s eyes made him feel at ease.

If Joshua hadn’t liked his place, it would have been a hassle to find a new one, though Seokmin wouldn’t have hesitated to do so.

He would erase anything that Joshua disapproved of, just like he had done with his black cars. If it didn’t please Joshua, it wouldn’t exist.

“You have plants?” Joshua asked, his eyes practically sparkling as he glanced toward the large windows that overlooked the backyard.

It was more of a garden, really, a lush expanse of green that stretched out into the night.

The soft glow from the interior lights illuminated a sea of vibrant sunflowers that seemed to stand as guardians of the other, smaller plants around them.

“Can I… please… go out there?” Joshua’s voice was almost a whisper, his excitement barely contained.

He bit his lip, his fingers fidgeting as though he could barely hold himself back from running into the garden and touching everything.

“Let’s go,” Seokmin said, standing up and making his way to the doors. Joshua held back a squeal, quickly setting his glass down before following eagerly behind him.

His excitement was almost tangible, a bright energy that filled the space around them.

Seokmin pressed a button on the wall, and Joshua watched as the glass doors slid open silently, revealing the garden beyond.

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