Chapter 41. A Love so Twisted

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"The information he’s been passing on… everything." The file hit the table with a violent thud, and Seokmin, his eyes bloodshot, head pounding from the weight of it all, stared at the damning evidence.

There it was—proof that the man he thought he loved wasn’t a lover at all. Yeosang had never been his. He was a spy.

A traitor who had played his role flawlessly, waiting patiently to dig Seokmin and Seungcheol’s graves with every whispered secret.

"No… no, this can’t be." Seokmin’s voice trembled as he forced the words out, his throat dry, the bile rising in his stomach. He cleared his throat, but it did nothing to calm the storm raging inside him.

His chest felt tight, his heart a traitor itself, aching for a man who had been deceiving him all along.

Yeosang—a spy. His vision blurred, darkness creeping in at the edges.

He shook his head, almost desperately. "There has to be a mistake… please..." His words fell hollow, lifeless. He wanted to scream, to tear the file apart, but it wouldn't change the truth staring back at him.

Every tender moment, every shared breath had been a lie—an elaborate ruse to destroy him.

Seokmin's hands shook as he reached for the file, each page heavy with betrayal. The memories of Yeosang’s soft smiles, the way his touch had lingered on Seokmin’s skin, now felt like poison.

His fingertips brushed the first page, but he recoiled, as though the truth might burn him.

His breath quickened, heart hammering against his ribs. The room felt smaller, suffocating, as the walls seemed to close in on him.

His mind swirled with the image of Yeosang—those warm eyes that now only mocked him with their false sincerity.

How long has he been lying? How many secrets had he whispered into the wrong ears while Seokmin had slept soundly next to him?

"I trusted him…" Seokmin’s voice was barely above a whisper, filled with disbelief. He felt like a fool. A broken, shattered fool.

He slammed his fist onto the table, the sound echoing through the room like a gunshot.

His knuckles split open from the force, but he barely registered the pain, too consumed by the sickening realization that the one person he had let in, the one person he had loved—had been plotting his downfall all along.

"How could he…" Seokmin’s voice cracked, his throat tightening with rage, sorrow, and something far darker. His gaze lifted, no longer filled with shock but with a growing, dangerous anger.

The file lay open before him, pages fluttering slightly in the air-conditioned room. Cold facts. Cold betrayal.

Seokmin's red-rimmed eyes now gleamed with something deadly. He had been played, yes. But the game wasn’t over.

Heavy footsteps reverberated through the room, each step a thunderclap in the oppressive silence. Seokmin lifted his head, eyes red and weary, to see Seungcheol enter.

The man’s face was a mask of cold detachment, his eyes cutting through the air with lethal precision.

“He’s been involved in the next step of Kwon’s plan,” Seungcheol said, his voice devoid of warmth or empathy. “The plan was to kill you.”

Seokmin’s heart plummeted, the weight of betrayal crashing down on him like a tidal wave. Yeosang had been set to murder him. The realization was almost too much to bear.

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