Chapter 52. Fragments of truth

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"Are you sure?" Brandon squints at Joshua, who is standing by the door, dressed and ready to leave.

"Yes, that's why I'm taking you with me," Joshua replies, his tone resolute. Brandon sighs, grabbing his phone before following Joshua out the door.

They were headed to the café to meet Seokmin—the man from the club that Joshua couldn't stop thinking about, According to Brandon.

Brandon had pieced together as much as he could about him, and now, Joshua was finally going to face him. But going alone wasn’t an option, so naturally, he dragged Brandon along for moral support.

As they walk down the quiet street toward the café, Brandon glances at Joshua, noticing how tense he is. His posture is rigid, and his hands are clenched into fists at his sides.

"You're nervous," Brandon states quietly, more of an observation than a question. Joshua doesn’t deny it.

"Of course, I’m nervous," Joshua admits, eyes fixed ahead. "I don’t know what I’m even going to say to him."

"You don’t have to say anything if you’re not ready," Brandon reassures, shoving his hands in his pockets as they near the café. "Just see how things go."

Joshua bites his lip, anxiety gnawing at him. As they reach the café doors, he pauses for a moment, staring through the glass. Seokmin is already there, seated in the back, his tall frame unmistakable even from a distance.

It was obvious, really. Seokmin had practically begged Joshua to hear him out when he showed up at the apartment.

And yet, all Joshua could think about was how to react to that. A large part of him didn’t want to listen—what kind of explanation could justify planting cameras in his house?

But then, a small, nagging part of him urged him to do it. Maybe, like Brandon had said, hearing Seokmin’s side would allow him to move on.

Joshua let out a frustrated sigh. He hated how torn he felt. On one hand, the betrayal burned deep, searing every inch of trust he once had in Seokmin.

But on the other hand, he craved the closure—an explanation, however flawed it might be. He needed to know why.

Why Seokmin hadn’t trusted him. Why he had shattered their bond so easily. Why he hadn’t confessed from the start instead of hiding behind lies.

His mind drifted back to the way Seokmin had looked at him—eyes desperate, pleading for a chance. Joshua hated that he could still feel his heart waver.

The darkness of betrayal still lingered, yet somehow, it wasn't enough to drown out the lingering pull that Seokmin had over him. He needed answers, no matter how painful they might be.

Maybe, just maybe, he could finally put an end to the storm raging inside him.

"Here goes nothing," Joshua mutters under his breath before stepping inside with Brandon at his side.

Joshua and Brandon stepped into the café, and the moment Joshua’s eyes landed on Seokmin, sitting at the last table by the large window, a wave of memories hit him.

He remembered all too well how they used to sit by the windows during breakfast, sunlight casting soft shadows over their faces. It used to be their spot, their quiet space.

Now, everything felt tainted, shattered beyond repair. Joshua’s lips twitched in a bitter smile as he licked them, a familiar feeling of regret pooling in his chest.

Everything had been ruined.

One couldn’t trust, and the other wasn’t ready to be broken again. If only Seokmin had confessed earlier—come clean about everything before Joshua had found out on his own.

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