Chapter 29. Veiled Menace

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Seokmin’s eyes narrowed dangerously as he locked his gaze on Jeonghan, who returned it with a fiery glare of his own.

He hasn’t left yet? A spike of irritation shot through Seokmin’s chest—he should have checked the cameras before storming over here.

“Move.” His voice was cold as steel as he attempted to push past Jeonghan, but a firm hand shot out, pressing against his chest with an unexpected strength.

The shove wasn’t enough to knock Seokmin off balance, but it was clear. Jeonghan wasn’t budging.

“No.” Jeonghan’s voice was low, his arms crossed over his chest, eyes ablaze with an intensity that dared Seokmin to try again.

There was a wild edge to his gaze, the kind that made Seokmin feel like Jeonghan was seconds away from slamming him into the nearest wall.

Seokmin’s lips curled in disgust, the heat rising to his face. "What the fuck are you doing?" he hissed, venom lacing his words. This wasn’t about Jeonghan—he didn’t come here for him.

His eyes flickered over to Joshua, standing silently by the couch, watching them without a word. Joshua’s silence only added fuel to the fire.

“You’re not barging in here, and you sure as hell aren’t talking to him.” Jeonghan’s voice was infuriatingly calm, laced with a boredom that only stoked Seokmin’s rage.

He clenched his fists, the tension in his knuckles tightening painfully as he tore his gaze away from Joshua and back to Jeonghan.

"Why?" Seokmin’s voice dropped, a dangerous growl seeping through as he bit down hard on his lip, trying to suppress the burning urge to lash out.

His fingers itched to wrap around Jeonghan’s throat, to silence the smirk that toyed at the corner of his lips.

Jeonghan’s smirk only widened, as if he could sense the growing rage bubbling beneath Seokmin’s skin, and he reveled in it.

His eyes, dark and calculating, remained steady as he leaned in slightly, his presence pushing against Seokmin’s restraint.

“Because,” Jeonghan began, his voice dripping with a sickening calmness that only enraged Seokmin further. “You’re too late. Whatever you thought you could do here? It’s over. He doesn’t need you.”

Seokmin’s jaw clenched, his hands trembling at his sides as he held himself back from snapping.

He couldn’t tell if it was Jeonghan’s arrogance or the lack of reaction from Joshua that was driving him insane.

Joshua stood there, so still, so indifferent, as if none of this mattered, as if he didn’t matter.

“Get out of my way,” Seokmin growled, his patience fraying with every passing second.

His mind swirled with a haze of anger and frustration, and his body tensed as if ready to strike, the control slipping from his grip.

But Jeonghan didn’t move. If anything, he seemed to root himself deeper into the ground, standing his ground as his eyes gleamed with something darker—something cruel.

“Or what?” Jeonghan’s voice dipped, a mocking lilt. “You’ll try to fight me? Come on, Seokmin. You know how this ends.”

Seokmin’s blood boiled at the taunt, his fists clenched so tight his knuckles turned white. He took a step forward, his breath coming out in harsh, controlled bursts.

He was here for Joshua, not this sick game Jeonghan was playing. Yet, the heat of Jeonghan’s defiance had him locked in place, like a trap closing in.

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