Chapter 12. Trembling Hearts

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It coursed through him, a dull, throbbing ache that made every inch of his body feel heavy and drained.

Joshua blinked, his vision a hazy blur as he tried to make sense of the light shining overhead. His eyes stung, protesting the effort it took to keep them open.

He blinked again, tears pooling at the corners, before finally recognizing the familiar contours of his bedroom ceiling.

How did he end up here? The last he remembered, he was at the office, trying to hold himself together.

“Have lunch with me—”

“I like you—”

“You can't like me!”

Joshua's breathing quickened, each breath coming in shallow gasps as he forced himself upright in bed. His eyes were wide, panic still thrumming in his veins, heart hammering against his ribs. The shame from the restaurant came rushing back, vivid and unrelenting, replaying on a loop in his mind.

One simple lunch invitation from Seokmin, and Joshua had managed to shatter it with his own frailties, his own ghosts.

“Wait, don’t move...” Joshua froze at the voice, eyes flicking toward the source. Seokmin stood in the doorway, his figure half-shadowed by the dim light.

He was here, in Joshua’s room. How long has he been there? Joshua’s mind raced as he watched Seokmin walk closer, each step echoing loudly in the quiet room.

“How are you feeling?” Seokmin's voice was soft but firm, eyes searching Joshua’s face with an intensity that made Joshua’s skin prickle.

Joshua bit down on his lower lip, tasting the metallic tang of blood, his nod barely perceptible. His body trembled with lingering fear, the overwhelming need to hide, to disappear, still gripping him tightly.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Seokmin asked again, his voice carrying a weight Joshua hadn’t heard before. There was an unusual heaviness, a slight tremor that hinted at something deeper.

Joshua’s eyes flicked to Seokmin’s missing suit coat, now just his white shirt rolled up to his elbows, revealing strong forearms. His face was etched with an emotion Joshua couldn't recall ever seeing on him.


Seokmin was genuinely worried.

"No," Joshua mumbled, his gaze dropping to his fingers. He fidgeted with them, noticing for the first time the bandages wrapped around his fingertips.

Had he really bitten his nails so hard they bled again? He couldn’t remember. But if they had, how did the bandages get there?

“Your fingers were bleeding, so I cleaned them and put the bandages on,” Seokmin said, as if reading Joshua’s silent confusion.

Joshua stayed quiet, staring at his bandaged fingers, feeling a strange mix of gratitude and embarrassment. He should apologize to Seokmin for ruining their lunch.

“You should eat something,” Seokmin added, his voice softening a fraction as he gestured to the tray on the nightstand.

Joshua’s eyes flickered over to it—he hadn’t even noticed it before. “There’s some samgyetang there. It’s good for restoring energy. It’ll help you feel better.”

Joshua looked at the bowl of soup, steam still rising gently from its surface. The aroma was rich and comforting, mingling with the scent of herbs. It was as if Seokmin had brought a piece of warmth into his otherwise cold, cluttered room.

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