Chapter 50. Echoes of Betrayals

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It's like standing at the edge of the shore, hands covered in sand, building that castle for hours. You shape it with care, perfect every detail, until it's finally done, just waiting for that final touch—a flag at the top.

But just as you're about to place it, the tide rolls in, a silent force, erasing everything in one sweep. All that work, the effort, gone in seconds. As if nothing you did mattered.

As if the hours you spent carving and shaping meant absolutely nothing.

That’s exactly how Joshua felt right now—like all his efforts, all the peace he had built for himself, were washed away in an instant.

He stared at the man standing in front of him, the very man who had ruined everything. His hands slipped off from Brandon as his gaze locked on Seokmin.

Was he hallucinating? There was no way Seokmin had found him again. Had he?



Joshua stepped back, his blonde hair bouncing slightly as Seokmin froze, taking a step back himself.

“You... you stalked me again?” Joshua’s voice wavered, his eyes searching Seokmin's face for any hint of truth.

Seokmin shook his head, desperate.

“No, my love. I was here for a meeting. I didn’t even know you were here. I swear... I’m not lying...” His voice cracked as he pleaded, but Joshua just stared at him, mind buzzing with confusion.

Was Seokmin telling the truth? Was he lying? Joshua couldn’t decide.

“First... let’s get you and your friend out of the club,” Seokmin said, stepping back further, trying to ease the tension he could feel radiating from Joshua.

His heart ached as Joshua looked at him with wide, fearful eyes.

Stalked? Did Joshua truly believe Seokmin hadn’t changed? Seokmin had been trying so hard to be the person Joshua wanted.

Couldn’t he see that? Couldn’t he see all the effort Seokmin had poured into becoming better?

Seokmin's chest tightened as he watched Joshua's guarded expression. The distance between them felt like miles, and yet, all Seokmin wanted was to close it, to hold him and promise he'd never hurt him again.

But Joshua didn’t trust him, not anymore. Maybe he never did.

“Who is this?” Brandon asked, his voice a little clearer now as the alcohol wore off. Seokmin’s eyes darted to him, fists clenched tightly as he watched them.

“Let’s go,” Joshua muttered, grabbing Brandon’s hand and pulling him along, deliberately ignoring the question.

“Joshua, wait... at least let me take you home,” Seokmin’s voice was pleading as he followed them, his footsteps quick but hesitant. Joshua clicked his tongue in frustration, walking faster.

All he wanted was to get far, far away from Seokmin. The man who had torn apart his peace was now standing right in front of him, undoing all the progress Joshua had made.

“You probably already know where I live, so drop the act and leave me alone,” Joshua snapped, his voice cutting like a knife. Seokmin stopped in his tracks, the words hitting him hard.

Joshua was about to walk away when a familiar white Mercedes pulled up at the gate. Seokmin’s car.

“Get in,” Seokmin’s voice was firmer now, a hint of his frustration slipping through. Joshua turned, his eyes narrowing.

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