Chapter 48. Paths Crossed

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Vernon’s eyes locked onto the table, his gaze sharp and still as Seungkwan let out another laugh—loud and carefree, all over some humorless joke from the guy sitting across from him.

It was almost ridiculous, how jealousy gnawed at Vernon. He was the one who always claimed Seungkwan could have anyone else, any day, said it like it didn’t matter.

But now? Now, as that guy dared to flash a smile in Seungkwan’s direction, Vernon’s hand twitched, already thinking about the weight of the gun he kept close. The thought of pulling the trigger just for a smile felt too damn easy.

The grip of control he usually held over himself was fraying, slipping with every second that guy’s voice reached Seungkwan’s ears.

Vernon could feel it, the dark simmer of possessiveness creeping up his spine, tightening his chest. He’d always been casual about it, letting Seungkwan flirt, laugh, and joke, because Vernon knew—knew—who Seungkwan really belonged to.

But now, with that man sitting too close, smiling too wide, Vernon’s patience was unraveling, one thread at a time.

Seungkwan’s laughter rang out again, bright and oblivious. It grated on Vernon, like glass scraping against metal. He leaned back in his seat, flexing his fingers, resisting the urge to act.

He was never one to snap without a reason—usually. But tonight? Tonight, that reason was sitting right in front of him, wearing a smile that Vernon wanted to wipe off the man’s face with one simple, lethal move.

He exhaled slowly, eyes narrowing. Maybe he’d give Seungkwan a reminder of who really had control.

Vernon stood abruptly, the loud scrape of his foot against the table catching the attention of both Seungkwan and the guy sitting across from him.

Seungkwan turned, eyes narrowing in irritation, while Vernon stared back with a blank expression.

Every part of him wanted to pin Seungkwan down right there, on that table, to remind him who he belonged to and why no other man should dare come near him.

He couldn’t stand it any longer. Something had to be done, anything to stop this—now.

Vernon’s gaze flicked to the candle flickering softly on the table. His eyes narrowed, and without a second thought, he grabbed it.

He brought the flame dangerously close to the fire alarm overhead, watching with dark satisfaction as the entire restaurant erupted into chaos.

The blaring sound filled the room instantly, people jumping from their seats, scrambling in confusion.

Vernon stood still, watching the chaos unfold, his lips twitching slightly as the noise drowned out everything else.

It was messy, reckless, but it got exactly what he wanted—Seungkwan’s attention back where it belonged. On him.

Vernon watched as Seungkwan and Michelle approached the entrance, where he was standing. "Woah, that was sudden," Michelle said, glancing at the counter.

Seungkwan nodded, frowning slightly. "Yeah, maybe something in the kitchen set it off," he said, his eyes flicking briefly to Vernon, who stood silent, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"Your bodyguard’s here," Michelle added, acknowledging Vernon’s presence with a polite smile. Vernon remained unaffected, his expression cold.

Seungkwan glanced at Vernon but quickly turned back to Michelle. "It was fun. We should do this again," he said, leaning in to kiss Michelle on the cheek.

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