Chapter 27. Hidden Devil

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Don't make me force you.

Joshua blinked, staring blankly at the pot of ramen he’d been attempting to cook.

What did Seokmin even mean by that? Why had he said it? Joshua was honestly flabbergasted, caught off guard, and maybe even a bit scared.

It was so unlike Seokmin to behave that way, to speak with such intensity. He had never acted like this before.

Why now?

After the unsettling incident that morning, when Joshua retreated back inside his house, Seokmin had left shortly after.

At least, Joshua assumed so. When he cautiously lifted the curtain to peek outside, he saw the bodyguards still stationed there, their dark figures unmoving.

But there was no sign of Seokmin. He must have left. The thought made Joshua’s stomach churn with unease, a sensation he tried to ignore.

He went back to his ramen, stirring the pot mechanically, but his mind kept drifting back to Seokmin's words, replaying them over and over.

Don’t make me force you.

There was a warning in that sentence, a darkness Joshua hadn’t recognized in Seokmin before. It made his skin prickle with unease, his hands tremble as he gripped the spoon.

He had known Seokmin could be intense, maybe even a bit controlling, but this was different. This felt like the edge of something dangerous.

Joshua turned off the stove, no longer hungry. He wandered into the living room, glancing around the empty space.

The silence of his home felt oppressive now, almost as if it were closing in on him. He sat down on the couch, running a hand through his hair, trying to make sense of everything.

What did Seokmin mean by ‘force’? Force him to what? To accept the security, to obey his demands, to belong to him in the way he seemed to want?

Joshua shivered, rubbing his arms. He wasn’t sure he wanted to find out the answers.

The doorbell rang, startling Joshua out of his thoughts. He hesitated, his heart pounding. What if it was Seokmin again? Or worse, what if it wasn’t?

Taking a deep breath, Joshua stood up and walked to the door. He peeked through the peephole and felt a strange mix of relief and anxiety wash over him.

It was one of the bodyguards, standing there with a stern expression on his face.

Joshua opened the door slightly, just enough to see the man. “What is it?” he asked, his voice sounding more timid than he liked.

“Mr. Seokmin asked me to check on you,” the guard said, his tone flat and emotionless. “He wants to know if you’re okay.”

Joshua forced a smile, hoping it would look convincing. “I’m fine,” he replied. “You can tell him I’m fine.”

The guard nodded, not moving from his spot. “He also instructed us to keep a close watch on you, Mr. Hong. For your safety.”

Joshua’s forced smile faltered. “I don’t need that,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady. “I can take care of myself. You can all leave.”

The guard didn’t react, his face remaining impassive. “I’m afraid I can’t do that, sir. Mr. Seokmin’s orders were very clear.”

Joshua felt a flash of frustration and fear. He wanted to argue, to tell the man to get lost, but he knew it wouldn’t make a difference.

They were Seokmin’s men, and they would follow his orders to the letter, no matter what Joshua said.

He closed the door without another word, leaning his forehead against it. He felt trapped, like a bird in a cage. No matter where he turned, Seokmin’s presence was there, suffocating and inescapable.

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