Chapter 44. The last goodbye

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"Are you really... sure about this?" Jeonghan asked, glancing at Joshua after loading the last bag into the car. He noticed Joshua standing still, his gaze fixed on something in his hand.

Jeonghan walked over, a frown forming as he saw that Joshua was clutching his phone, its screen displaying Seokmin’s wallpaper—just a photo of Seokmin looking directly at the camera.

"Shua..." Jeonghan said softly, his hand gently resting on Joshua’s back. Joshua didn’t respond, his silence heavy and hollow.

It was as if the light had been drained from him, leaving him a mere shadow of the person he once was.

Jeonghan’s eyes fell on the small, glistening drop of a tear that had rolled down Joshua’s cheek and onto the phone screen. His heart ached at the sight.

Without a word, Jeonghan stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Joshua from behind, pulling him into a comforting embrace.

Joshua's body trembled as he broke down, his sobs muffled against Jeonghan’s chest. Jeonghan held him tighter, his own heart breaking at the sight of Joshua’s pain.

The emotional weight of the last few days seemed to settle in that moment, as Joshua’s tears soaked into Jeonghan’s shirt.

It was clear that this goodbye was more than just a physical departure; it was a wrenching emotional farewell to something deeply cherished.

Jeonghan remained silent, offering the only solace he could. Sometimes, words were unnecessary when all that mattered was being there, providing a steady anchor amidst the storm of Joshua’s emotions.

"I... miss him..." Joshua hiccupped into Jeonghan's chest, his voice trembling with each breath. Jeonghan's eyes filled with unshed tears as he held Joshua close.

He felt a mix of anger and sadness that threatened to overwhelm him. If only he had known the depth of the situation sooner, he would have confronted Seokmin, made him understand the fragile state Joshua was in.

He would have fought tooth and nail to protect his friend, who had already faced too much pain.

Jeonghan had always been fiercely protective of Joshua. He was more than just a friend; Joshua was his first best friend, the one person who had seen him at his most vulnerable.

And now, seeing him in such distress, Jeonghan wished he could have done more, wished he could have shielded Joshua from this heartbreak.

"It's... okay," Jeonghan murmured softly, his voice barely a whisper as he gently patted Joshua's back. He glanced at the car window, rain streaking down in relentless sheets.

If his husband knew about the cameras—if he knew everything that had happened—well, Jeonghan wasn’t sure what he would do.

All he knew was that right now, his focus was on helping Joshua through this pain.

He held Joshua tighter, determined to offer whatever comfort he could. "You’re not alone," he whispered, hoping to soothe Joshua’s aching heart. "We’ll get through this, together."

"It's getting late," Jeonghan said softly as he took a step back, his gaze shifting to Joshua. Joshua nodded silently, his eyes falling to the floor.

After everything that had happened, he couldn’t find it in himself to stay here. Maybe he was a coward, or maybe he just needed a distance from Seokmin.

The truth was, he still couldn’t wrap his mind around what Seokmin had done. The man he had loved felt like a figment of his imagination, an illusion that had shattered into a painful reality.

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