Chapter 19. My safe place

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“I think I’ve found something better than black coffee to get addicted to,” Joshua smiled, hearing the words spill from Seokmin's mouth. He brushed his thumb gently across Seokmin’s cheek, savoring the moment. This was something Joshua could get used to.

“You’re so—” Joshua started to say, licking his lips, but his words trailed off as his eyes widened in horror. He watched as blood trickled from Seokmin’s mouth.

“B-blood… You… what’s happening?!” Joshua’s voice trembled with panic as he cupped Seokmin’s face in his hands. Seokmin let out a low chuckle, trying to downplay the situation, his thumb brushing against Joshua’s cheek.

“It’s nothing—”

“You’re bleeding, Seokmin! What’s wrong? We need to see a doctor, now!” Joshua insisted, tugging at Seokmin’s hand. But Seokmin just pulled him closer, trying to calm him.

“It’s nothing. I’m just allergic to pineapple,” Seokmin said softly, his eyes meeting Joshua’s. The worry etched across Joshua’s face sent a sharp pang through Seokmin’s heart.

“What? Why did you eat the cake, then? Oh god…” Joshua’s voice broke, his lips trembling as a tear slipped down his cheek. Seokmin reached out, wiping it away gently.

“Because you made it,” Seokmin smiled, his voice tender despite the pain.

“Don’t cry, please,” he whispered. “This doesn’t matter to me. It’s nothing, I promise. Stop crying…” He wiped Joshua’s face again, but Joshua only shook his head, his body trembling in Seokmin’s hold.

“We need a doctor—” Joshua choked out. “We need to get to a doctor!” He tried to pull Seokmin up with him, but Seokmin held him back, shaking his head as he reached for his phone.

“I’ll have John bring one over,” Seokmin reassured, taking out his phone. Joshua watched him, worry battling in his eyes as he let Seokmin make the call.

Joshua stayed close, his breath shallow as he watched Seokmin dial the number. His hands hovered over Seokmin’s shoulders, unsure whether to pull him in or let him be. Every moment stretched out like a lifetime, the sound of Seokmin’s voice on the phone barely cutting through the ringing in Joshua’s ears.

“Yeah, John, I need you to bring a doctor to Joshua’s place. Now.” Seokmin’s voice was steady, calm even. But when he ended the call and turned back to Joshua, his composure slipped just a fraction, a flicker of vulnerability crossing his face.

“See? It’s handled. Just stay with me, alright?” Seokmin said, his voice softer now, as if speaking too loudly might break whatever fragile peace they had.

Joshua nodded, but his eyes were still wide with worry. “I’m sorry, Seokmin. I didn’t know... If I had known, I wouldn’t—”

“Stop.” Seokmin’s tone was firm, but his eyes were gentle. “Don’t apologize. I knew what I was doing. I just… I couldn’t say no to you. Not to something you made for me.”

Joshua’s face crumpled, and he bit down on his lip to stop more tears from falling. “You shouldn’t risk yourself like that… not for me…”

Seokmin reached out, his hand cupping the back of Joshua’s neck, pulling him close until their foreheads touched. “For you, I’d do anything. You don’t get it, do you? Nothing else matters when it comes to you. Not even my own well-being.”

Joshua closed his eyes, the heat of Seokmin’s skin against his cooling his panic just a bit. He felt Seokmin’s breath on his lips, the faintest hint of pain underneath his words. “Seokmin… I’m scared.”

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