Chapter 28. Un/Wanted feelings

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The weight of Joshua's words echoed in Seokmin's mind, lingering like a dark shadow he couldn't shake off. His hand, previously toying with a sleek silver pen, stilled.

The tip of the pen pressed into the paper, leaving a small ink blot spreading like a wound.

I don't want to love you—

A voice at the door cut through his thoughts like a knife. “Sir,” one of his men called, urgency lacing his tone.

Seokmin's eyes snapped to the door, his fingers releasing the pen, letting it clatter onto the desk.

The sound was sharp, almost accusatory in the tense silence of the room. His gaze hardened as he studied the bodyguards standing in front of him, their expressions apprehensive, their posture rigid.

These were the men assigned to protect Joshua, to keep him safe from the lurking dangers that Seokmin couldn’t afford to face himself.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he demanded, rising from his chair. His voice was low, a simmering anger that spoke of stress and unraveling control.

Everything was spiraling out of his grip, everything he had tried so hard to keep intact. And now this?

One of the guards swallowed, his gaze dropping to the floor as if that would shield him from Seokmin’s wrath. “Sir, the boss sent us back,” he said quietly.

Seokmin’s frown deepened, confusion flickering across his features.

“Seungcheol sent you back?” He leaned against the desk, crossing his arms over his chest, his stance one of barely restrained impatience. “Why the fuck would he do that?”

The bodyguard shook his head, the motion stiff, almost mechanical. “No, sir. Not the boss. His husband did.”

For a moment, Seokmin didn’t move, didn’t react. The name he had in mind was almost a curse.


“Jeonghan sent you back?” His voice was a growl, anger bubbling just beneath the surface. His eyes narrowed, suspicion darkening his gaze.

Why would Jeonghan interfere? What game was he playing now?

Seokmin turned sharply, reaching for his phone on the desk, his fingers trembling with restrained fury.

A few taps brought up the live feed of Joshua’s house. His eyes caught the image on the screen, and he clicked his tongue in irritation.

Jeonghan was there, sitting on the couch, holding Joshua in his arms, whispering something in his ear, his expression soft, almost tender.

The sight made Seokmin’s blood boil, jealousy mixing with anger, a volatile combination that made his head throb.

“What did he say?” Seokmin’s voice was sharp, cutting through the tension in the room.

The bubblegum-pink Lamborghini skids to a stop at the porch, narrowly avoiding a guard who recoils, his hand twitching toward his gun.

The Lambo’s door flies open, crashing against its frame with a force that makes the surrounding guards flinch.

Jeonghan steps out, his eyes burning with fury, his stance unyielding. He radiates a cold, deadly calm, the kind that only comes with absolute confidence.

He’s the only one who can shake the Nexus brothers, and he knows it.

“What the hell is this?” His voice cuts through the air like a razor, sharp and unforgiving, as he glares at the nearest bodyguard.

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