The Game Begins

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Dominic's POV

I leaned against the door for a moment longer than necessary, watching Catalina as she moved through the room like a storm barely contained.

Her words echoed in my mind, every sentence dripping with challenge, every glance a test of my resolve.

There was something about the way she carried herself, the fire in her eyes, that had hooked me the moment I'd stepped onto that stage.

Most women in my world were predictable, easily swayed by power or money.

Not Catalina. She was different-fierce, untamed, and dangerous in a way that made me want to push every one of her buttons just to see what would happen.

He stepped away from the door, my gaze never leaving hers as she stood in the centre of the room, her posture taut, like a coiled spring ready to strike.

The air between us was thick with tension, the kind that made my pulse race, and my blood heat.

Catalina Cassietta was a formidable opponent, but that only made her more irresistible.

"Tell me something, Catalina," i said, my voice smooth, calculated.

I wanted to see how far i could push her and how close i could get to that edge before she snapped. "Do you always play this hard to get, or is it just with me?"

Her eyes narrowed, but she didn't move away as i closed the distance between us.

Instead, she tilted her head slightly, a dangerous smile tugging at her lips. "I don't play hard to get, Dominic. I play to win."

I chuckled, the sound low and dark. "We'll see about that." i reached out, my fingers brushing against her arm, feeling the heat of her skin beneath the cool fabric of her dress.

"I have a feeling this game is just getting started."

She didn't flinch, didn't pull away, and that only intrigued me more. I could see the challenge in her eyes, the way she was daring me to push further, to see how much she could take.

It was a dangerous dance we were engaging in, one that could end in either triumph or disaster.

"You talk a big game, Dominic," Catalina said, her voice soft but laced with steel.

"But talk is cheap. You'll have to prove yourself if you want to get anywhere near what you're after."

My eyes darkened, my grip on her arm tightening just enough to make my point. "And what exactly do you think I'm after, Catalina?"

Catalina's smile widened, her eyes glinting with something akin to amusement. "Power. Control. Me."

The last word hung in the air between us, and for a moment, i felt the heat of it sear into my skin. She was right, of course.

I wanted it all-the power, the control, and her. Especially her. But admitting that would give her an edge, and i wasn't about to hand her that victory.

"You're right about one thing," i said, my voice dropping to a low, seductive murmur.

"I'm after power and control. But don't flatter yourself, Catalina. I've taken down men who thought they could stand in my way. Do you really think you're any different?"

Her laughter was soft, almost mocking, and it only made me want her more. "I'm very different, Dominic. But you'll figure that out soon enough."

I stepped even closer, our bodies almost touching now. I could feel the tension thrumming between us, and I could see the way her breath hitched slightly, despite her efforts to remain in control.

"Maybe I will," i murmured, my lips dangerously close to hers. "Or maybe I'll be the one to teach you a few things."

Catalina's eyes flashed with a mix of challenge and something darker, something that sent a thrill down my spine.

"I'm not your student, Dominic," she said, her voice barely more than a whisper. "And I don't need anyone to teach me how to win."

I could feel the heat of her breath on my lips, and I could see the pulse beating at the base of her throat.

Every instinct in me screamed to close the gap, to kiss her, to claim her as mine. But this was a game of power, and i knew better than to make the first move. Not yet.

"Then let's make this interesting," i said, my voice a low rumble. "You and me, no distractions, no outside interference. Let's see who really holds the power here."

Catalina's smile was slow, dangerous. "You're on, Dominic. But don't say I didn't warn you when you find yourself out of your depth."

I smirked, my eyes glinting with dark amusement. "I've never been out of my depth, Catalina. And I don't plan on starting now."

The silence between us was heavy, every breath we took charged with unspoken intent.

This was no longer just a game-it was a battle for dominance, a struggle to see who would come out on top.

And i wasn't about to let anyone, not even a woman as formidable as Catalina Cassietta, get the better of me.

"I'll see you at the next move," i said finally, stepping back just enough to break the tension, but not far enough to signal retreat.

I wanted her to know that i was still very much in the game and that i had no intention of losing.

Catalina watched me with those sharp, calculating eyes, and i could see the wheels turning in her mind.

She was already planning her next move, already thinking of how to counter me.

But i had been playing this game for a long time, and i had no intention of letting her win.

"Don't keep me waiting," Catalina replied, her voice smooth and dangerous.

I smirk widened as i turned and walked to the door, feeling her gaze on me the entire time.

I paused with my hand on the handle, glancing back at her one last time. "Wouldn't dream of it."

With that, i left the room, the door clicking shut behind me.

As i walked down the hallway, my mind was already working through the possibilities, the strategies i would need to bring her to heel.

Catalina Cassietta was unlike anyone I'd ever met, but that only made the challenge more enticing.

The game had begun, and i had every intention of winning.

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