The Empire We Build

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Dominic's PoV

The weight of the ring on my finger was nothing compared to the weight of what it symbolized. As Catalina and I stepped out into the sunlight, our hands still entwined, I could feel the eyes of our families, our crews, and our enemies on us.

The applause echoed faintly in my ears, overshadowed by the gravity of the moment. This wasn't just a marriage; it was the creation of an empire-an alliance that would shake the foundations of our world.

Catalina was at my side, her expression composed, but I could sense the undercurrent of tension that ran through her.

She was a vision in her wedding dress, the lace and satin hugging her form with an elegance that only she could pull off. But beneath that grace was a fire that I had always found both dangerous and irresistible.

The kiss we had shared in front of everyone had been brief but electric. Her lips against mine had been a reminder of everything she was-strong, fierce, unyielding.

A woman who could challenge me, match me, and perhaps even surpass me. It was that challenge, that fierce defiance, that had drawn me to her in the first place.

And now, as we walked down the aisle as husband and wife, I knew that I had made the right choice.

But that didn't mean this was going to be easy.

The tension between our families was palpable. Even as they clapped and smiled, I could see the distrust simmering just below the surface.

My crew had fought against Catalina's men more times than I could count. Blood had been spilled on both sides, and those wounds didn't heal overnight.

This marriage was supposed to bridge the gap between us, to unite our forces and create something unstoppable. But trust was a fragile thing, and I knew it would take time to solidify this alliance.

As we reached the end of the aisle, I caught a glimpse of my mother, her expression unreadable.

She had always been a formidable woman, someone who had guided me through the treacherous waters of our world with a steady hand.

Her approval meant everything, but today, I could see the reservation in her eyes.

She knew as well as I did that this was a risky move-a gamble that could either strengthen our position or destroy everything we had built.

Catalina's family was no different. Lucian Cassietta watched us with the sharp eyes of a man who was always three steps ahead.

He was pleased, I could tell, but there was also that ever-present suspicion.

He was testing me, waiting to see if I would truly be the right partner for his daughter. If I failed, I knew that the consequences would be severe.

We reached the car that would take us to the reception, and I held the door open for Catalina.

She hesitated for just a moment, her eyes meeting mine with that same defiant spark that had always intrigued me.

But then she stepped inside, and I followed, closing the door behind us.

The ride was silent at first. I watched the city pass by, my thoughts swirling with the enormity of what we had just done.

I had faced countless challenges in my life-betrayals, power struggles, enemies who wanted nothing more than to see me dead. But this...this felt different.

Catalina wasn't just another enemy or another obstacle. She was my equal, my partner, and now, my wife.

Finally, I broke the silence. "You handled yourself well today."

Catalina looked at me, one eyebrow raised. "You sound surprised."

"Not surprised. Impressed."

She let out a soft laugh, the kind that always made me wonder what she was thinking. "Impressed? Coming from you, that almost sounds like a compliment."

"It is," I said simply, meeting her gaze. "Not many people could do what you did today."

She didn't respond right away, her eyes searching mine as if trying to figure out what game I was playing. But this time, there was no game. I meant every word.

Catalina was a force to be reckoned with, and I respected her for that.

The car pulled up to the reception venue, a sprawling estate that was as opulent as it was secure. It was a neutral ground, chosen specifically because it offered neither side an advantage.

As we stepped out of the car, I could see the guests milling about, waiting for us to arrive. The air was filled with the scent of roses and the low hum of conversation.

Catalina paused beside me, her gaze sweeping over the crowd. "Are you ready for this?" she asked, her voice low enough that only I could hear.

"Are you?" I countered.

A small smile played on her lips. "I suppose we'll find out."

With that, we walked forward together, presenting a united front. The guests parted for us, their murmurs of approval mingling with the ever-present undercurrent of tension.

It was clear that everyone was watching, waiting to see how this new alliance would unfold.

The reception hall was just as lavish as the ceremony had been, with crystal chandeliers casting a soft glow over the elegantly set tables.

Our families and crews had been seated strategically, keeping potential flashpoints at a distance.

It was all about optics now-showing the world that we were united, that this marriage was more than just a piece of paper.

As we took our seats at the head of the table, I couldn't help but glance at Catalina.

She was composed, confident, every inch the mafia princess she had been born to be. But there was something else in her eyes-something that mirrored the thoughts running through my own mind.

This was only the beginning.

The dinner began, and the conversations around us were polite, if a bit strained.

Our families made the usual small talk, discussing business and future plans, but it was clear that everyone was still feeling each other out.

The real negotiations would happen later, behind closed doors, where we could speak freely without the need for diplomacy.

As the evening wore on, I leaned in closer to Catalina. "We should talk," I said quietly.

"About what?"

"About what comes next."

Her eyes flicked to mine, curious. "You mean the alliance?"

"And the marriage," I said, keeping my voice even. "This isn't just about power anymore, Catalina. We need to figure out how this is going to work."

She studied me for a moment, then nodded. "Agreed. But not here."

"Then where?"

"My office. After this," she said, gesturing to the crowd. "We'll discuss everything."

I nodded, satisfied with her response. We were in this together now, whether we liked it or not. And while there were still many unknowns, one thing was certain: we were going to build something that no one could tear down.

As the night continued, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were on the brink of something monumental. Catalina was a dangerous woman, and I knew that trusting her completely would be foolish.

But there was also something about her-something that made me believe that, despite our pasts, we could make this work. That together, we could become something truly unstoppable.

When the reception finally came to a close, we exchanged the necessary goodbyes with our guests, all the while maintaining the image of a perfectly united couple.

But as soon as the last of the guests had left, we made our way to Catalina's office, ready to have the conversation that would define the rest of our lives.

Because now, more than ever, we needed to be on the same page. The empire we were about to build depended on it.

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