Vengeance unleashed

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Dominic's PoV

Months have gone by, and Catalina has started to piece together her memories. It's been slow, and she doesn't remember everything, but she's making progress. She recalls some of our time together-both the good and the bad.

It's reassuring to see her recognize our son, Ziare, instead of Samuel. Although she hasn't remembered her abduction, she knows she's in the Mafia. What she doesn't know yet is that I'm the one she's been missing.

Today, I decided to help her with her memories once more. I prepared myself for anything, hoping that this session would finally help her recall everything. As we worked through her recollections, she suddenly burst out with clarity.

"I remember everything," she said, her eyes filling with tears of relief and joy. Her smile was radiant, and I felt a wave of emotion wash over me.

Without thinking, I pulled her into my arms, lifting her up. "I'm never, never, never, ever letting you or our son out of my sight again. Never. I'll even tie you to me if I have to. I can't afford to lose you again," I said, my voice filled with determination and affection.

Catalina chuckled through her tears, her arms wrapping around my neck. "I'm sorry it took so long for me to remember," she apologized, her voice trembling slightly.

I held her face gently, my thumbs brushing away her tears. "It's not your fault," I said softly, placing kisses across her cheeks and forehead. "We've been through so much, but we're together now. That's what matters."

For the first time in a long while, everything felt right. The fragments of our past were coming together, and the future seemed a little clearer. I was grateful for every moment we had, and I knew I'd cherish and protect our family with everything I had.

I made sure the mansion was secured, locking every window and door, and stationed guards around the perimeter.

Catalina and our son, Ziare, were safely inside, surrounded by protection. Nothing was going to happen to them while I was on this mission.

Fueled by rage, I headed to the bastards' warehouse. I tossed two bombs inside, watching as they exploded with a satisfying roar.

The flames and debris filled the air, and I moved quickly, throwing more bombs at their hideouts. The explosions rocked the night, signalling the end of their operations.

Next, I made my way to the mansion of the scum who had taken Catalina and our son from me. My crew and her crew were with me, ready for the final act of revenge. We stormed the place with relentless fury.

These bastards would pay dearly for the months of suffering they caused. I was determined to make them regret ever crossing paths with us.

Every ounce of anger I felt was directed at them, and nothing would stop me from ensuring they faced justice.

I didn't leave a single person alive. My hands were drenched in blood, my body fueled by a fury I couldn't control. I tore through everyone
who mattered to that bastard-his crew, his friends, his family. Each life

I took was a release of the pent-up rage and frustration that had been building inside me for months. I relished in the violence, the raw justice served with every strike. It was satisfying in a way nothing else could be.

I felt a twisted sense of triumph as I eliminated every last person connected to him. There was no mercy, no hesitation. Just relentless vengeance.

Once I had finished, I planted bombs throughout the mansion inside and out. I made sure every part of the place was rigged to blow.

My crew and Catalina's crew fled before the timer started. I didn't care if I died in the explosion; as long as justice was served, that was all that mattered.

But as the countdown ticked away, images of Catalina and Ziare flashed in my mind.

The thought of leaving them alone while enemies still roamed struck me hard. I ran out of the mansion, abandoning my plan to ensure their safety. No matter the cost, I couldn't leave them vulnerable. I had to be there for them.

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