Bound by Blood and Vows

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Catalina's PoV

The weight of my wedding dress felt heavier than I had anticipated as I stood opposite Dominic Carson, my soon-to-be husband.

The lace and satin clung to my skin, its pristine white fabric, a stark contrast to the bloodstained history that had led us to this moment.

Every detail of this day had been meticulously planned, but as I stood there, the magnitude of what I was about to do truly began to sink in.

To my right, my mother, Alyssa, stood with a dignified smile, her presence a source of quiet strength. My father, Lucian, watched with a calculating gaze that only softened when he looked at me.

My siblings-Jeremiah, Sierra, Zane, Sara, Leonardo, and Zaria-were lined up beside them, each wearing expressions that ranged from approval to concern.

They knew as well as I did that this marriage was more than just a union of two people. It was a binding contract, one forged in the fires of power and necessity.

To my left, my mafia crew stood vigilant, their loyalty unquestionable. They were a mirror of my own resolve, each of them prepared to defend me and our interests at any cost. We had been through too much together for me to doubt their commitment.

But then, my gaze shifted to the other side of the aisle, where Dominic's family and his mafia crew stood. The tension between them and my people was palpable, a reminder of the countless lives lost on both sides.

Even now, despite the truce we had agreed upon, there was a lingering animosity that neither side could fully hide.

They didn't like us, and we didn't like them. But we had all agreed that this marriage was the perfect opportunity to combine our forces, to create an empire that no one could challenge.

And then there was Dominic himself. He stood there, tall and imposing, every inch the dangerous man I knew him to be.

His suit was perfectly tailored, fitting him like a second skin, and every time I looked at him, I couldn't deny the strange pull he had on me. It was maddening, really. I should despise him for what he had done, for the blood of my men that stained his hands.

And yet, whenever I saw him in a suit, this tailored armor of his, something inside me stirred-a desire I didn't want to acknowledge, a need to touch him, to be close to him, even when I knew how dangerous that desire was.

The priest began to speak, his words a blur in the background as my thoughts raced. I was about to marry Dominic Carson, the man who had once been my greatest enemy.

The man who had killed my men, who had stood against me in countless battles. And yet, here we were, about to be bound together in a way that neither of us could escape.

I stole a glance at Dominic, and our eyes met. For a moment, the world around us seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in this charged space. His expression was unreadable, as it often was, but there was something in his eyes-something that made my heart skip a beat.

It wasn't softness or even affection. It was something deeper, something darker. A recognition of the fact that we were alike in so many ways, that we were both ruthless in our pursuit of power, and that we were both drawn to each other despite everything.

As the priest continued, my mind flashed back to the countless times I had tried to push Dominic out of my thoughts.

The way he challenged me, the way he looked at me, as if he could see right through the walls I had so carefully constructed. It infuriated me, and yet it thrilled me, too.

This man was dangerous-not just to my enemies, but to me. He had the potential to unravel everything I had worked for, to get under my skin in a way that no one else ever had. And now, I was about to vow my life to him.

The priest's voice cut through my thoughts as he reached the vows, and I forced myself to focus. This was the moment of truth, the moment when I would commit myself to a future I could never have predicted.

"Do you, Catalina Cassietta, take Dominic Carson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, until death do you part?"

The words hung in the air, heavy with significance. I glanced at my family, at my crew, and then back at Dominic.

This was more than just a marriage. It was an alliance, a merging of two worlds that had once been at war.

And as much as I hated to admit it, a part of me knew that this was the right move, the only move that made sense for the future we were trying to build.

"I do," I said, my voice strong and clear.

The priest turned to Dominic, repeating the same vows. I watched him closely, searching for any sign of hesitation. But there was none. Dominic had always been a man of certainty, and this was no exception.

"I do," he replied, his voice steady.

The rings were exchanged, and as Dominic slid the band onto my finger, I felt a strange sense of finality. This was it.

There was no turning back now. We were bound together, not just by vows, but by the weight of our shared ambition.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest announced.

Dominic stepped closer, and I could feel the tension between us heightened. My heart raced as he leaned in, his hand gently tilting my chin upward.

When his lips met mine, it was like a spark igniting a flame. The kiss was brief, almost chaste, but it held an intensity that was impossible to ignore.

It was a reminder that while this marriage was a union of power, it was also something more-a collision of two forces that were destined to either build an empire or destroy everything in their path.

When we pulled away, the room erupted in applause, but I barely heard it. My mind was spinning with the implications of what we had just done.

We were married now, our fates intertwined. And as much as I tried to push down the unease that churned in my stomach, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of a much larger battle.

Dominic took my hand, leading me down the aisle as our families and crews followed behind.

The weight of his touch, the solidity of his presence, was a reminder that I wasn't alone in this. Whatever the future held, we would face it together. Whether we liked it or not.

As we stepped out into the sunlight, I stole one last glance at the man who was now my husband. He was a puzzle I still hadn't figured out, a dangerous enigma that I was now bound to for life.

And somehow, despite everything, that thought thrilled me as much as it terrified me.

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