Unleashing the storm

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Dominic's PoV

I had been completely absorbed in fortifying Catalina's mansion, making it as secure as possible. With a baby on the way, my need to protect her and our unborn child was at an all-time high.

Two months had passed since we learned the news, and Catalina was already showing her belly rounded, a constant reminder of the life we were bringing into this dangerous world.

We had already decided on names. If it's a boy, we'd name him Ziare, strong and formidable. If it's a girl, she would be Jade, a name as precious and resilient as the stone itself.

But in the midst of planning for our future, the unexpected shattered the calm.

The door to my office burst open, and Micha, one of my most trusted men, staggered in, blood soaking through his shirt from a wound in his waist.

"What happened?!" I demanded, rushing to his side, my heart pounding in my chest. Micha tried to speak, his voice weak, "I-I tried to stop them, Dominic, b-but. "

His words trailed off as his eyes rolled back, and he collapsed in my arms, un conscious. I quickly dialled for the medic, who arrived within minutes, attending to Micha's injury.

But I didn't wait to see how he was doing - I couldn't afford to. Something was very, very wrong. I bolted to the security room, my heart racing with a mix of fear and fury. I scrolled through the camera footage until I found what I was dreading.

A group of men had forced their way into the mansion, and it didn't take long for me to recognize them. Their tattoos were a dead giveaway, a snake coiled around a dagger. My blood ran cold.

I knew who they were enemies who had been waiting for a chance to strike. And they had taken Catalina.

My woman. The mother of my unborn child. Rage, unlike anything I had ever felt before, consumed me. I lashed out, grabbing whatever was within reach and hurling it across the room.

Glass shattered, and wood splintered under the force of my fury, but it wasn't enough. Nothing would be enough until I had Catalina back, safe in my arms, and those who dared to take her paid the ultimate price.

I paced the room, my mind a chaotic mess of thoughts. There was no time to waste. I had to get her back. I had to make sure she and our child were safe. The thought of anything happening to them drove me to the brink of madness.

I slammed my fist down on the table, feeling the sting in my knuckles, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered except getting Catalina back. I was ready to burn the world to the ground if it meant seeing her safe again.

"Get the team ready," I barked into the intercom. My voice was low, deadly. "We're going to find them, and we're going to make them regret ever touching what's mine."

This wasn't just about revenge. This was about survival. Catalina and our child were everything to me now, and I would stop at nothing to protect them.

Those men had made a fatal mistake, and they were about to find out just how far I was willing to go to keep my family safe.

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