Go on a few dates

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Catalina's PoV

As I walked toward the living area, I found my father sitting on the couch with a cigar in hand, my mother beside him. They were deep in conversation, their presence as commanding as ever. I stopped beside them, trying to mask my unease.

"I'm here. You wanted to talk?" I asked.

Both my parents turned to me, their expressions shifting to something more serious as they stood up. My father, with his usual authority, spoke first. "Catalina, I know this alliance-this arranged marriage with Dominic-is for the good of the mafia. It's to end the war and secure our legacy. But there's more to this than just peace. When you get married, you're expected to conceive an heir."

I felt a familiar tension settle in my chest. I knew this conversation was inevitable, but that didn't make it any easier.

My father continued, his tone firm. "I know you don't like Dominic, but this isn't just about personal feelings. It's about our future. That's why I want you to try to get to know him. Go on a few dates, spend time together. We'll manage the mafia while you focus on this. There's no room for refusal, Catalina."

I sighed, feeling the weight of their expectations. Before I could respond, Zane, my brother, spoke up with clear annoyance in his voice, "Oh, don't worry, Dad. They were already about to get carried away if I didn't stop them."

Heat flushed my cheeks, and I shot Zane a glare. My father chuckled, but my mother looked more concerned. Her eyes softened as she spoke to me.

"Catalina," she said gently, "take your time with this. Don't rush into anything, even if it's tempting."

I nodded, trying to reassure her. "I won't. I promise."

Her expression eased, and she gave me a small smile. "Good. I don't want you to make decisions you might regret later."

I gave her a tight-lipped smile and excused myself, heading to my room. But as I approached, I found Dominic already standing there, leaning casually against the door frame. His presence was as commanding as ever, and I couldn't help but feel the intensity of his gaze.

"So, continue?" he asked, a grin playing on his lips. His tone was light, but I knew there was more behind it.

I crossed my arms, trying to keep things professional. "No. Move into my mansion tomorrow. There's a spare room opposite mine. Your crew can move into the mansion as well-there's plenty of space," I said, keeping my voice steady.

He pushed off the door frame and stepped closer, his eyes never leaving mine. "Alright. Tomorrow morning, get dressed. I'll take you out somewhere," he said, his voice low, a hint of something more behind his words.

I took a step back, but he followed, his presence overwhelming. He leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper as he spoke, his words sending a shiver down my spine.

"You know, Catalina," he murmured, "the thought of us building something together, creating a future... It's something I'm serious about."

I swallowed hard, trying to steady my thoughts. His words lingered in the air, heavy with the weight of what they implied. I looked up at him, my mind torn between the duty I had to my family and the growing complexity of my feelings for him.

He was trouble, no doubt about it. But as his eyes held mine, I realized that perhaps he was the kind of trouble I couldn't simply walk away from.

Dominic's hand slid down to my stomach, his fingers making slow, deliberate circles. The gesture was almost tender, but the weight of his words made my heart pound in my chest.

"Giving you an heir, intertwining our legacy, our empires, our bloodline... it's a dream right now," he murmured, his voice steady, but there was an intensity beneath it that I couldn't ignore. "But I plan to make it a reality, Catalina. As soon as you gain feelings for me."

I swallowed hard, the implications of his words hanging heavily in the air between us. His touch was gentle, but the meaning behind it wasn't lost on me. This was about more than just an alliance-it was about our future, about something that could tie us together in ways I wasn't sure I was ready for.

But Dominic didn't seem to have any doubts. His gaze was locked on mine, unwavering, as if he could will my feelings to change with just his determination.

I felt a conflict rising within me. I didn't want to be drawn to him, didn't want to feel this pull. Yet, there was no denying that Dominic was becoming harder and harder to resist.

I forced myself to breathe, to calm the storm of thoughts swirling in my mind. But his hand on my stomach, the promise in his words, made it nearly impossible to think straight.

This wasn't just a game anymore. The stakes were higher than I had anticipated, and I knew that whatever happened next could change everything.

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