The Edge of Resolve

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Catalina pov

The room was still, save for the faint rustle of the man's labored breaths. The harsh light above cast long shadows that danced menacingly on the walls, adding to the oppressive atmosphere. The captured Dominic's member sat bound to a sturdy chair, eyes wide with a mix of fear and resignation.

I approached him slowly, my movements deliberate. My fingers wrapped around the hilt of my dagger, the blade gleaming ominously under the light. With practiced ease, I began to twirl it between my fingers, letting the blade catch the light in fleeting flashes.

A smirk curled at the corners of my lips as I watched the man's reaction. His eyes tracked the spinning dagger with a growing sense of dread. I took a step closer, the metallic clink of the dagger against itself punctuating the silence.

"You see," I began, my voice calm yet laced with an undercurrent of menace, "in this game of ours, every action has its consequence. Dominic's attempt to destabilize us has been met with a countermeasure-one that's designed to send a very clear message."

The man swallowed hard, his fear palpable. I could see his hands trembling slightly as they were bound to the chair.

"I'm here to ensure that you understand the gravity of your situation," I continued, my tone unyielding. "And to make sure that Dominic gets the message we're sending."

I drew the dagger closer, letting its edge hover near his skin but not touching. The blade's sharpness was evident, and the slight coldness of the steel was intentional-a warning more than a threat. The man's breathing grew more erratic, and he struggled against his restraints.

"This is not about personal cruelty," I said, still twirling the dagger with a practiced nonchalance. "It's about strategy and influence. Dominic's actions have put us at a disadvantage, and we need to ensure that he understands the cost of provoking us."

The man's eyes darted between the dagger and my face, searching for any sign of mercy or reprieve. He could see none.

"You have the chance to make this easier for yourself," I said, pressing the tip of the dagger against his cheek, just enough to make contact without drawing blood. "Tell me everything you know about Dominic's plans, and this can be over quickly. Resist, and things will only get worse."

The man's resolve seemed to falter under the weight of the threat. He began to speak, his voice trembling as he provided details about Dominic's future operations, his key targets, and any strategic changes. His fear-driven revelations were precise and detailed, a testament to the effectiveness of the interrogation.

As he spoke, I maintained my smirk, using the dagger's presence to keep him focused and compliant. The information flowed, each revelation adding a piece to the puzzle of Dominic's strategy. It was a painful process, but one that was necessary to ensure that we could adapt and counter Dominic's moves effectively.

When the interrogation concluded, I stepped back, sheathing the dagger with a final flourish. The man, exhausted and broken, slumped in his chair, his ordeal over.

I turned to my team, who had been monitoring the situation from the shadows. "Prepare this information for immediate analysis. We need to integrate it into our strategy and use it to refine our next steps."

As the room returned to its earlier quietude, I felt a grim satisfaction. The interrogation had provided crucial insights and reinforced the message we needed to send. Dominic's attempt to destabilize us had been met with a forceful and calculated response, and our position was now stronger for it.

With the new intelligence in hand, I was prepared to move forward. The game of power was far from over, but we were now better equipped to navigate its treacherous waters. The dagger had been a tool of both intimidation and revelation, and it had served its purpose well.

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