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Dominic PoV

Dominic Carson had spent the night in a relentless struggle, fighting to breach the defences of the Cassietta logistics hub. The operation had been meticulously planned, but Catalina Cassietta's response had been equally precise and formidable. As the dawn broke, Dominic found himself in a dimly lit room within his private headquarters, the flickering lights casting shadows over his weary face.

The remnants of his assault were evident-his men were battered but alive, their faces a testament to the intensity of the clash. Dominic ran a hand through his dishevelled hair, his mind racing through the events of the night. Catalina had shown herself to be more than just a formidable opponent; she was a master strategist, and her ability to react swiftly and effectively had complicated his plans.

The room was silent except for the occasional rustle of papers and the low murmur of his men. Dominic's right-hand man, Evan, was poring over a map, his brow furrowed in concentration. He glanced up as Dominic approached, a look of concern in his eyes.

"How did it go?" Evan asked, his voice low.

Dominic sighed heavily. "It didn't go as planned. We managed to make some headway, but the Cassiettas' defences were tighter than expected. Catalina's response was quick and brutal."

Evan nodded. "We knew she wouldn't take it lying down. Her family's pride is on the line, and Catalina is not one to back down."

Dominic's jaw clenched. "No, she isn't. But she's also making a mistake. She's reacting to our moves rather than dictating them. That's a weakness we can exploit."

Evan looked at him with a mix of curiosity and caution. "What's the next step?"

Dominic paced the room, his mind working through his next move. "We need to regroup and reassess. Catalina's defences are formidable, but she's also vulnerable. We've learned a lot from this engagement, and we need to use that to our advantage."

Evan's gaze was sharp. "How do you propose we do that?"

Dominic stopped pacing and turned to face him. "We need to create a diversion, something that will draw her focus away from the logistics hub. If we can keep her off-balance and force her to spread her resources thin, we'll have a better chance of exploiting any weaknesses."

Evan nodded in agreement. "What kind of diversion are you thinking?"

Dominic's eyes narrowed as he considered their options. "I'm thinking of a high-profile target, something that will grab her attention and force her to divert her forces. We need to hit her where it hurts, but in a way that keeps her guessing."

Evan's expression turned thoughtful. "And what about our losses? We sustained significant damage during the attack."

Dominic's expression hardened. "We'll regroup and reinforce. We can't afford to show any signs of weakness. I want every available resource focused on repairing our operations and preparing for the next move."

Evan nodded and began to issue orders, his voice firm and efficient. Dominic watched him with a mixture of pride and frustration. The attack had not gone as planned, but Dominic was determined to turn the situation to his advantage. Catalina's response had been a clear message-she was not going to be easily intimidated. But Dominic wasn't backing down. He had come too far to retreat now.

Dominic's phone buzzed with a new message, and he glanced at it. The text was from one of his informants: **"Cassietta's response was quick and decisive. Reinforcements at the logistics hub are substantial. They're on high alert."**

Dominic's eyes narrowed as he read the message. Catalina had shown her strength, but Dominic's resolve was unwavering. He knew that this was not just a battle for territory; it was a battle for dominance. And he was determined to emerge victorious.

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