The edge of desperation

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Dominic's PoV

Three months. Ninety excruciating days. It felt like an eternity since they took Catalina, ripping away the only light left in my life. I couldn't remember the last time l'd slept through the night, let alone without waking up in a cold sweat, haunted by images of what they could be doing to her.

I was beyond furious. I was murderous. Each day without her was a battle against my own sanity. The
stant frustration, the gnawing fear that I might never see her again, was driving me to the brink. Every lead I chased turned up empty, every whisper from the

streets led to another dead end. It was like she'd vanished into thin air, taken by those bastards who thought they could steal my wife, my unborn child, and get away with it.

But they were wrong. So fucking wrong.

I'd burn the world down to find her. I'd raze cities to the ground, leave nothing but ashes in my wake if that's what it took. And l'd do it without hesitation.

That's who I was - the villain in this story, the one willing to cross every line, break every rule, to get what I wanted. And what I wanted was Catalina, safe and back in my arms.
l'd lost count of how many men l'd sent out to scour the earth for her.

My crew, her crew-every resource I had, was dedicated to one mission: bringing her home.

They knew what would happen if they failed. I'd made that clear from the start. No excuses, no failures. Find Catalina, or suffer the consequences.

And they were scared-rightfully so. I was a ticking time bomb, ready to explode. Every minute without
her was another second closer to me, unleashing the full extent of my rage.

I'd already torn through rival operations, interrogating, torturing anyone who might know something, anything about where she was.

But still, nothing. No trace, no clue. It was as if they'd taken her and disappeared from the face of the earth.

But I knew better. They were out there somewhere, and so was she. I just had to find them. And when I did, there'd be no mercy.

I sat in my office, staring at the map spread out on the table, dotted with red pins marking the places we'd searched, the people we'd questioned.

It wasn't enough. It would never be enough until she was back. I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms until they bled.

The pain was nothing compared to the agony of not knowing if she was still alive. Suddenly, the door burst open, and one of my men rushed in. "Boss," he panted, his face pale, eyes wide with fear.

"We... we might have something." I was on my feet in an instant, grabbing him by the collar. "What is it?" I demanded, my voice a low growl. "Where is she?"

He swallowed hard, trembling under my grip. "There's been talk... whispers in the underground about a hidden base. It's not much, but it's the first lead we've had in weeks. It could be where they're holding her." I released him, my mind racing. Finally, a lead, however small. It was something, and something was better than nothing. "Where?" I snapped.

He handed me a piece of paper with coordinates scribbled on it. "It's remote, deep in the mountains, surrounded by forest. If they're hiding her, that's where she'll be." I stared at the coordinates, a dark determination settling over me. "Get everyone ready," I ordered, my voice cold and deadly. "We move out now."

As he ran off to rally the men, I grabbed my guns, loading them with precision. They wanted to take Catalina from me? They had no idea what they'd unleashed. I'd kill them all, one by one, and I'd enjoy every second of it.

Because I was the villain in this story, and villains always get what they want. And what I wanted was her. Catalina. My wife, the mother of my child. And l'd stop at nothing until she was back where she belonged by my side.

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