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Dominic's PoV

I didn't stop when she told me not to. I couldn't. The restraint l'd held for so long snapped, unleashing a wave of desire that had been building up from the moment I first laid eyes on her. Catalina had always been off-limits, a line | couldn't cross-not without consequences. But here she was, in my arms, and I couldn't resist any longer.
All the sexual frustration l'd felt for her, the nights spent thinking about what it would be like to touch her, kiss her, claim her-every bit of it surged through me. This wasn't just about lust. It was about the tension that had simmered between us since the day we'd formed our alliance, a tension that could only be released in one way.

My lips found her neck, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down her smooth skin. Her moan vibrated against my lips, sending a thrill down my spine. My hands roamed her body, exploring every curve, every inch of skin that l'd longed to touch. I felt her nails dig into my shoulders, her breath hitching as I pressed closer.
I pulled back slightly, just enough to see her face. She was biting her bottom lip, trying to suppress the sounds of pleasure that were escaping her. The sight of her like thatso vulnerable, so affected by my touch-senta jolt of satisfaction through me.

Leaning closer, I whispered into her ear, my voice low and dripping with desire, "Don't hold back. Moan if you want to." I could feel her body respond to my words, the tension in her muscles releasing as she let out a soft, unrestrained moan. Her hands tangled in my hair, pulling me closer, and I groaned at the sensation.
In one swift motion, I lifted her off the ground and slammed her gently but firmly onto the mat beneath us, hovering over her with a predatory gaze. Her gasp was music to my ears, and I watched as she looked up at me, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her eyes wide with both anticipation and something elsetrust.

"You told me not to hold back,"I murmured, my voice thick with lust. "So I won't." My hands slid down her body, over the curve of her hips, until they reached the waistband of her gym shorts. I paused, letting my fingers tease the edge of the fabric as I looked into her eyes. "Do I have your permission?" l asked, my voice softer now, a hint of vulnerability seeping in despite the heat of the
For a split second, doubt flickered in her eyes. But then she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper as she answered, "Yeah." That one word was all I needed. A grin spread across my face, and I leaned down to capture her lips in another searing kiss, savouring the taste of her, the feel of her body beneath mine.

I took my time, moving slowly, teasingly, as I began to slide her shorts down her legs. The anticipation in the air was palpable, every second stretching out like an eternity as I inched the fabric lower. I could feel her shiver beneath my touch, her breaths coming faster,
more uneven.
When I finally removed her shorts completely, I looked down at her, taking in the sight of her laid bare before me. There was something undeniably powerful about seeing her like this-Catalina Cassietta, a woman who commanded fear and respect, completely vulnerable under my touch. But it wasn't just power that I felt; it was something deeper, something I wasn't ready to

"Perfect," I whispered, my voice reverent as I ran my hands over her exposed skin. Her body arched toward me, seeking more, and I gave her exactly what she wanted. I touched, teased, and explored, savouring every gasp, every moan that escaped her lips.
Her hands were everywhere on my chest, my shoulders, my hair grasping, pulling, urging me on. And with every touch, every sound she made, my own control frayed further.I could feel the heat radiating off her, the tension coiling between us like a live wire, ready to snap at any moment.
I leaned down, my lips brushing against her ear, my breath hot against her skin. "You drive me crazy, Catalina," I murmured, my voice hoarse with the intensity of my desire. "But now... now, I'm going to make you mine."

Her response was a breathless moan, her nails digging into my skin as she pulled me closer. I kissed her again, hard and deep, pouring everything I felt into that kiss--the frustration, the desire, the unspoken connection that had always been there between us.
And as we moved together, as our bodies finally gave in to the passion that had been building for so long, I knew that there was no going back. We had crossed a line, one that would change everything. But in that moment, with Catalina in my arms, I didn't care. All that mattered was her, and the way she made me feel alive, on fire, and utterly consumed by her.

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